By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “More stupidity in the USPS saga. (Part 2)”
  1. I could write a novel on the stupidity from the post office and the din doo’s you have to speak to WHEN on the rare occasion you can get them to answer the phone. Do yourself a favor, get a UPS account. Prices are about the same and MUCH more reliable. WHen you do have a claim, you have an ‘account manager’ who sits with you on the phone on the spot filling it and fixing the problem. Good luck with USPS on anything claim wise.

  2. USPS sends me an “Informed Delivery” notice daily. On more than one occasion (yesterday in fact) I had a delivery notice. I check the mail box first thing this morning, nothing no mail delivery from yesterday. Yet I see mail trucks in the neighborhood running around delivering packages for UPS, FedEx, and Amazon. This really blows.

  3. I have had first class letters take three weeks to make it up the seacoast. I have sent packages, using their priority 2 day delivery now, on November 29th and they made it 3 states away, on january 16th.

    USPS keeps blaming covid for their incompetence when we know it’s really all the sorry AA hires they can’t get rid of. Funny how UPS, DHL, Fedex etc all are running pretty top efficiency, but then again, they don’t get billions of dollars of government money thrown at them the worse they do either.

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