By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “More stupidity in the USPS saga. (Part 3)”
  1. Ha! That’s almost as bad as my first Varusteleka package.

    For some reason it ended up in the Seattle area and not Central Florida. It was described to me at the time I picked it up, as probably just some idiot chucking it in the wrong bin in the NY post office.

  2. I live in Durham NC. Something I ordered arrived in Raleigh which is right next door. It gets sent to Greensboro, passing Durham, where it sits for about a week. It then gets sent to Raleigh then to Durham and then to me. Frustrating doesn’t even cover it but hey, that’s our postal service at work.

  3. “Ups and fedex are doing well. Its the post office thats having trouble”- one of obammys un teleprompter truth………

  4. I feel your pain. I ordered some face shields online, not an expensive order, about $25. They went out USPS and a week later when I didn’t get them I went to check the tracking number online. It said they were delivered 2 days earlier. However nothing is here, and no it didn’t get stolen because my wife works from home with her ‘office’ window overlooking the front door and mail box. If anything got delivered, she would have seen it. Now the fun begins. The vendor says not their problem, get the PO to say they lost it then they will shop more. SO I contact the PO to start that ball and first they have to ‘investigate’. Three weeks and 5 follow up emails later they say yeah, we can’t find it, go file a claim.

    Well lets just say that the PO never makes anything easy. Just try and file a claim on their website Links are almost impossible to find. when you do find them they run you in circles and then when I finally get it, the first thing I have to do is enter the tracking number. When I do, the site says that isn’t a valid tracking number, even though I copied it right from a tracking window open in a different tab showing it. Attempts to get a person online or on the phone to fix this have been unfruitful. I have decided that my time is worth more than the $30.

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