By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “More than fair warning”
  1. There’s a new saying that goes, “if there are no police, a lot more crimes will carry the death penalty.”

  2. Ah, a fantastic reminder that the police aren’t there just to protect the citizens from criminals.

    They’re also there to protect the criminals from citizens.

  3. The answer is simple to the leftists: ban self defense. Ban castle doctrine, ban stand your ground and make the act of defending yourself in any way punishable by execution and pass legislation so the state can give the criminal all of your property after the state executes you and your family for being related. After all tge left needs to have theses criminals sks on the payroll after they abolish all the police but need the manpower to execute there mandate of the complete and total ban of all gun ownership and confiscation of all guns also with the mandated exeterminsgion of every single solitary United States citizen that owns a gun as well as there families, going to the publicSchools to round up every child of a gun owners to exgrrminagrcthem as well as every single white male and every single white female that opposes the extermination of all white males and the complete and total extermination of literally every single solitary United States citizen up to and including the complete and total extermination of every single solitary United States citizen. After all It’s what the far left wants. But you know who wants the extermination of all gun owners and every single solitary United States citizen that opposes discrimination of all gun owners even more? The Supreme Court justices.

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