Portland police attempt to serve an eviction notice during a pandemic.
Residents push them back. pic.twitter.com/SU65gCNLAp
— Benjamin Young Savage (ᐱᓐᒋᐱᓐ) (@benjancewicz) December 9, 2020
Here is the story:
A black family bought the house in 1955 and have passed it down. In 2002, they took out a mortgage on the house to pay for legal fees when a member of the family committed a hit-and-run.
Their mortgage was bought and sold, so they stopped making payments. Now they owe $112,338 on a house valued at $450,000.
The area was once a black neighborhood but it’s been gentrified.
The Left hates gentrification and rent and the banks so have decided to rally to the cause of people who decided to stop paying a mortgage back in 2017.
This has become a cause celebre for the radical Left, and they turned it into CHAZ 2.0.
The point of the above video is these people are actively attacking a cop car that was forced into full retreat.
There is more.
The home they’re protecting belongs to a Black Indigenous family.
white people; take note.
Do you see how the cops retreat?
Do you see how violence is not used against the protestors?
Do you see what happens when people unify?This is our work.
— Benjamin Young Savage (ᐱᓐᒋᐱᓐ) (@benjancewicz) December 9, 2020
That is a direct threat to white people.
See, when minorities unite, they can take whatever they want and attack others without fear of arrest or retribution.
The police are now in full retreat and racial violence is being threatened.
This only means one thing: more violence.
Not sure what a “Black Indigenous” family is. Are they mixed race Native American and African American? Doesn’t seem likely from the context. I think it means that they are black and living in a traditional black neighborhood but I could be wrong. Either way, it doesn’t give them the right to forgo making payments on their mortgage. If that becomes the norm, then racial minorities will have a difficult time getting mortgages in the future. Another issue is that if the mob can routinely force the police to retreat, forget about the police responding to areas where the mob has established control. Welcome to feudalism 2020 style.
Don’t forget that the family has been pulling sovereign citizen BS and has a $300 k GoFundMe, which more than covers the $280k cost of buying it back.
I took it to mean that we, on the right, also need to unify. Otherwise, the corrupt police and legislators will continue to enforce the law unequally on us while ignoring leftist terrorism.
Ironically, the only strategy that actually seems to work against the establishment is resorting to terrorism.
Apparently the antifa armed security ended up exactly like CHAZ
Get the family out…Napalm the house. Problem solved.
It’s an Antifa/BLM/SovCit crossover. Fun for everyone.
I wish I could find the source but this family has a second home.