From the Southern Poverty Law Center:

Once upon a time the SPLC fought the Klan.

Then the Klan went away and they started their slide into being a Left wing lawfare organization.

Now they are defending the humanity of a satanic criminal organization that rapes people to death and dismembers their bodies.

It’s like we’ve entered some sort of Bizarro world or episode of The Twilight Zone.  You’d think everyone could agree that a group who target young women for rape and murder people with machetes are bad.  Apparently we can’t.

In the wake of the Democrats defending MS-13, Republicans have come out ahead on polling on a generic ballot.

At this point, I really want Trump to do a presser and say “Pedophiles are just scum,” just to see if the Left starts defending child molestation.

I have no idea why this is the hill on which the Left as chosen to die, but they are going full Jonestown on it.


Update:  Several people posted comments about the Salon article about pedophile saying he’s not a monster.  I wrote about this way back when.

That is still one pedophile at Salon writing about himself.

I think TDS has reached Stage IV and is nearing terminal at the DNC.  If Trump came out and said “Pedophiles are not people, they are scum, they are perverts that pray on children,” people like Pelosi, Ellison, and Wasserman-Schultz will come out and defend child molesters as just misunderstood people and victims of a society that doesn’t understand their sexuality.

Not just one guy at Salon.  Elected officials and spokesmen for the DNC. That’s the difference.

That’s why I want to see Trump do it.



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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “MS 13 cuts another heart out”
  1. They are just showing how tolorant and kind haerted they are to everyone except Americans.. their utopia world is circling the drain and in stupidity they paddle faster.
    I for 1 LUV it.

  2. “I have no idea why this is the hill on which the Left as chosen to die, but they are going full Jonestown on it.”

    Welp, as ye olde saying goes: Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself.

  3. The LEFT has always supported anti-American views and values. Why change now.. Obama and Holder supported the Mexican Drug cartels why wouldn’t the present day Democrats. Democrats=Anti-America.

  4. “At this point, I really want Trump to do a presser and say “Pedophiles are just scum,” just to see if the Left starts defending child molestation.”

    Though I’m pretty sure they have since pulled it, Salon. com once ran an article entitled “I’m a pedophile, not a monster”.

  5. The Democrats are beholden to gangs. In Chicago the gangs get to approve politicians before they’re allowed to run.

  6. Yeah, 2-3 years ago Salon published articles tolerant, even accepting of pedos.
    While we’re at it, Google “smitten kitten field trip”.
    Watch Google auto complete it for you.

    1. Not too surprising. Remember NAMBLA? And I remember that in some other countries, like Holland, there were (or are) well established organizations, more or less political parties, whose stated purpose is the legalization and social acceptance of pedophilia.

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