Another day, another unhinged Leftist goes on TV and makes it abundantly clear why we Conservative gun owners cannot give up our guns.

Did you get that?

If you donated to Trump, he wants a mob with torches to come to your house with pitchforks and torches, and terrorize you and your neighbors.

I’m sorry “peaceful demonstrations” with torches.

To answer Chris Hayes’ question, the redress to deal with a President like Trump is an election as per Article II of the Consitution of the United States.

This is the same Blackkklansman who was on another MSNBC show, AM Joy, discussing shaming and harassing Trump donors and said this:

“Don’t communicate to them. You beat them. They’re not a majority of this country. The majority of white people in this country is not a majority of this country. All the people who are not fooled by this come together and go to the polls and do whatever you have to do. You do not negotiate with these people. You destroy them.

This is a progressive given multiple opportunities on a major cable news network and has put his toe on the line for inciting mob violence against Trump donors, Trump supporters, and white people in general.

This is outlandishly racist and dangerous, but MSNBC lets it air like it’s a legitimate opinion.

It is like they are going out of their way to show why gun confiscation is a bad idea.

Go ahead and give up your guns.  Then donate to Trump or whatever Republican the Left brands as the “nex Hitler” (keeping in mind that they called G.W. Bush and Romney “Hitler” as well).  Then wait for your donation information to be made public and an angry mob to show up with torches on your lawn to protest and do whatever you have to do, to keep you from doing that again.

See if the end result of that was a good idea.

I’m not going to give up my guns.  I’m especially not going to give up my guns at the behest of people who say they want a mob to come to my house and destroy me.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “MSNBC Contributor is another example of why we can’t give up our guns”
  1. I suspect that most of us would LOVE to have a conversation. Unfortunately, mostly that “conversation” involves being told “You want dead children! You have a tiny generative organ (not so eloquently stated)! you are a hating hater who is racist/bigoted/homophobic/misogynistic/Hitler!”

    1. “Do you really expect me to act like Hitler? Think very carefully before answering that…”

  2. I wonder if he realizes that a majority of blacks, or even a supermajority, is still just a minority overall. I also wonder if he realizes how many normally moderate whites have started to consider whether this ‘identity politics’ thing would work as well for them as it does for blacks and hispanics…

    There’s a reason why white identitarianism didn’t start increasing until after liberals spent years demonizing white people for the crime of being white (it’s almost as if people push back when you heap bigotry and hatred on top of them).

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