The first thing you need to keep in mind when it comes to the Left is that they project constantly.  Whatever evil exists in their minds is what they accuse the Right of wanting to do.

MSNBC national affairs analyst John Heileman went on a rant that federal law enforcement in Blue cities was how Trump was going to steal the election.

What scared me was when he started talking about Trump using federal law enforcement as polling place “security” to intimidate voters and steal the election.

That was an old Democrat trick, where politicians relied on the Klan to intimidate black voters and drive them from the polls.

For him to bring this up again suggest to me the Left is considering employing this tactic again, using Antifa to intimidate potential Trump voters.

They make the argument that federal LEOs are fascists and they get #Gestapo trending on Twitter.  Antifa shows up claiming to be “anti-fascist” justifying whey they need to be poll security.

Heileman lifted the mask a little bit and gave us a preview of what they are considering in November.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “MSNBC Projection tells you what they are planning for the election”
  1. The Democrats are the world’s worse pool workers. They are forever misplacing and losing ballot boxes. Often in tightly contested contests.

    And then they find those boxes of ballots at the last minute, just in time to win the contest.

    They are so good at finding those lost ballots at the last minute you might think they are attempting to steal elections with fraudulent methods…

  2. Remember when BLM er Black Panthers armed with clubs, stood in front of a polling place in a mixed race area of Philadelphia to “protect” the Obama voters (and intimidate white voters) in 2008? Yeah, no one else does either.

  3. Listened to some speculation the other day, from a source that’s not really partisan, that there wouldn’t actually end up being elections this year. “Neither side is really trying to campaign.” His thought was we’d end up with some pre-arranged emergency junta, and who knows where we go from there.

    1. Trump’s campaigning.

      And that scenario would lead to blood on the streets. Do you really think Trump is going to agree to it?

      Biden isn’t campaigning much because he’s a pro-forma candidate. They had to run someone, may as well be someone without a political future.

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