Officials recorded 272 homicides through Dec. 24 across Miami-Dade County, up 31 cases from all of 2019, records show. The year isn’t even over and it’s a recent high — up from 232 in all of 2017, and 252 in 2015.

Experts attribute the rise in violent crime to several factors: The pandemic has limited community policing and cut back on positive interaction between police and the public. Gun sales are through the roof. People are stuck at home and frustrated. Kids aren’t in school. The economy has tanked. And some of us just don’t like each other.

Murders soar in Miami-Dade in 2020, a year marked by the pandemic and tensions with police

Let’s review this a bit.

The pandemic has limited community policing and cut back on positive interaction between police and the public.

This is frigging monumental admission. Even though the movement of defunding the police has been pretty much dead in the State of Florida, it seems that cops have been keeping their distance from the community. No cops out there (which I can’t fault. They don’t want the risk of being branded racist by the BLM Mob) and the criminal element knows they can get away with  their deeds.

People are stuck at home and frustrated.

It may come as a surprise to the “experts” but confining people tends to bring the worse on them. I mean, there is a reason prisons and jails are violent places and not just because you have a criminal element.

The economy has tanked.

No shit, Sherlock. The Depression rings a bell? But you don’t get to be shocked it is part of the violence problem when you were also the champion amplifiers for the demand of locking people up in their homes and closing businesses. You can’t bitch the dog bit in the finger you after you poked it in the ass.

And some of us just don’t like each other.

Damn! Next week the Herald will discover water is wet and some stuff dissolves in it.

But, of course, they had to add the official Liberal Mantra for what causes violence:

Gun sales are through the roof.

The article touches the subject only at the end and really does not give you a true reason why increased gun sales affected the raise in crime other that many have been sold.

Another reason for the jump in contact shootings and murders, police say, is that gun sales have skyrocketed. The National Shooting Sports Foundation said in November that gun sales were expected to easily eclipse the record 15.7 million guns sold in 2016. Leading the way, according to the foundation, are first-time gun-buyers, particularly African Americans and women.

And that it is all the explanation they give you. Of course it is hard to come up with a direct link of legal firearm sales with murder by the criminal element because it is basically non-existent as it always has been.  And I love the fact that blacks becoming gun owners seems to frighten the shit out of the Liberal cadres. But racist will always fear armed minorities.

But wait, there is more:

It’s not unusual for gun sales to surge in an election year when a Democrat wins the presidency and citizens fear their guns will be taken away. But add to that skittish residents stuck mostly at home during the pandemic and people frightened by this summer’s heated protests and it isn’t surprising that gun sales have taken off.

Are they finally admitting that Antifa/BLM were less than peaceful demonstrations? That maybe people did have a reason to defend themselves after seeing citizens beaten up and neighborhoods go up in flames by Left-Wing Shock Troops?  No wonder this part was way at the end of the article. And no, Biden “winning” was not the defining reason to buy guns as we all know by the time the election came about, you could not find a damn gun or ammo in the stores.

And although the county has indeed had a raise in murders and violent crime, it has not been as bad as other locations. Again almost at the bottom of the article, you find this:

The jump in shooting deaths in Miami and Miami-Dade reverses a two-decade trend that saw the murder rate reach historic lows. And though major crime numbers locally have risen significantly, they’re still well below skyrocketing rates in 51 major cities across the country that have jumped by an average of 36 percent, according to a recent study by crime analyst Jeff Asher.

Asher’s study, completed in September and written about in the New York Times determined that the murder rate in St. Louis could increase this year by as much as 90 percent. While Baltimore, Detroit and New Orleans were all expected to almost double.

The shinning beacons of Social Justice and Black Lives Matter are just body Grinders of failed socialist political initiatives which are paid with human lives other than the creators and defenders of such idiocies.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Murders in the Era of Covid-19: Don’t forget to blame Guns!”
  1. And I love the fact that blacks becoming gun owners seems to frighten the shit out of the Liberal cadres. But racist will always fear armed minorities.

    There was a reason the Democrat controlled Jim Crow south restricted firearms possession by Blacks. Now Republicans are being added to the list, ironically, with the assistance of Black “Leaders.”

    1. Yes, there’s a good reason why the party of racism is also the party of victim disarmament. It’s hard to burn crosses on someone’s front lawn if your victim might shoot back.

      One of the reasons the 14th Amendment was created is to protect the 2nd Amendment rights of black citizens.

  2. It’s not unusual for gun sales to surge in an election year when a Democrat wins the presidency and citizens fear their guns will be taken away.

    Ummm…. Gun sales were surging in February/March, as the COVID lockdowns were proposed and then went into effect, nine months before the elections. It should have had nothing to do with the election at that point.

    Or are they finally admitting that the fix was in as of Feb/March — Joe Biden had already been designated as the winner of not only the Democrat primary, but the November general election as well?

    1. One possible hypothesis to explain the Feb/Mar gun buying spree is worry over the government trying to ban guns using the excuse of “emergency”. In other words, a repeat of the New Orleans Katrina confiscation.
      And sure enough, in some states gun stores were shut down. Also, in states like MA, the issuing of gun permits (required there even to buy a gun) were slowed down or stopped with various feeble excuses.

      1. Given the facts, timeline, and tendency of local governments to leverage “emergency” powers to restrict individual rights — whether through delaying or halting background checks, delaying or halting license issuance, or closing gun stores as “non-essential” — that is an excellent and plausible hypothesis.

        But the article did not provide the appropriate timeline. It factually stated that gun sales commonly surge after Democrats win elections, but then contextually linked that to Joe Biden’s election victory. It did not acknowledge that gun sales were already surging months before that.

        Which would lead readers to conclude that if gun sales had been up since Feb/March, and were up due to Joe Biden becoming President-elect, then Joe Biden must have become President-elect in Feb/March.

        Really, it’s probably not proof of any conspiracy, but it is piss-poor writing. Poor enough to be deserving of ridicule.

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