In the last week, this is what I have seen:

The former Secretary of State and current Presidential Candidate, was under investigation by the FBI for violating Federal law in mishandling classified information.  That mishandling possibly allowing classified information to fall into the hands of less than friendly nations.

The former President of the United States and husband of the Secretary of State was under investigation meeting with the Attorney General of the United States in an unofficial meeting on an airplane.

The  former Secretary of State and current Presidential Candidate floated the idea that if she won the election, the current Attorney General might be kept on an be the Attorney General of her administration.

The Attorney General punts on determining if prosecution is warranted  based upon the FBI investigation to the FBI, abdicating her legal responsibilities.

The FBI Director holds a press conference detailing all the ways the former Secretary of State and current Presidential Candidate violated Federal law, as well as showing evidence that she committed perjury during her testimony in a previous (Benghazi) hearing.  Despite the evidence to this felonious behavior, the FBI Director recommends against prosecution of the  former Secretary of State and current Presidential Candidate, while admitting that anybody else would be brought up on charges for doing the same thing.

The Justice Department headed by the Attorney General, announced that none of the assistants or support people involved in this violation of Federal law will be prosecuted either.

Following the FBI Director’s press conference, the current President of the United States attends a campaign rally for the former Secretary of State and current Presidential Candidate, in which he allows the former Secretary of State and current Presidential Candidate to break with tradition and decorum and give a campaign speech from behind the Seal of the President of the United States.

Now the political party of the President of the United States, the former Secretary of State, and the Attorney General, as well as the majority of journalists covering this want the rest of us to believe that what appears to be naked, open, and abject corruption, is just a lot of hoo-hah over nothing.

Let me ask this question:

At this point, is it even worth holding an election?  If those in power are going to be so corrupt so brazenly, is it necessary to go through the pro forma process of an election?  If the current President simply appointed the former Secretary of State to the position of President by executive action, in the words of the former Secretary of State ” what difference does it make?”

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Musings out loud”
  1. No charges will be brought because at this stage, the current President could (and would) simply grant a pardon to the former Secretary of State and current Presidential candidate. The FBI director saying that “anybody else” would face penalties was a final betrayal against his masters: a signal to those who still wish to live in a nation ruled by laws, not a nation ruled by men. An admission that his hands are tied by people who hold his life in theirs. Possibly a request to freer individuals.

    He likely gave his recommendation under duress.

    The only chance for charges to be brought and justice to be served is if a party which opposes the party of the current US President is brought into power. A party which does not have the conflict of interest between keeping the allies of the current party in power and also enforcing the law.

    The most likely outcome, however, involves bloodshed. A lot of bloodshed. And it’s likely to end up a lot worse than any of the grand strategists on either side could possibly imagine.

    1. Quote:
      “The only chance for charges to be brought and justice to be served is if a party which opposes the party of the current US President is brought into power.”


      Which party is that? Because all I see is two wings of the “big government” party on my teevee news, they seem pretty invested in expanding government and fattening their own wallets.

      We should all vote for Vermin Supreme, in all elected positions, and then simply hang all the politicians.

      1. You need to stop watching the TV news, go out, and actually meet some politicians. Even Fox News is a bit left-leaning for my tastes, and liberal political machine have a vested interest in maintaining the illusion that there’s no functional difference between Republicans and Democrats, because that keeps Republicans from voting for conservative politicians, which means fewer conservatives and more Democrats.

        1. The news comment was sarcastic. I’ve determined that all national-level politicians are untrustworthy power-hungry scum, regardless of which convention they attend. Through more than the news.

          So. Show me a small-government candidate, and they’ll have my vote. Hell, just show me a POTUS wannabe that knows & understands the scope & limits of executive branch power.

    2. “No charges will be brought because at this stage, the current President could (and would) simply grant a pardon…”

      It is not the business of the FBI to recommend prosecution based on what the President might or might not do or what the party in control of the White House might or might not like. It is not the business of the FBI to recommend prosecution based on any political concern at all. The FBI or ANY other investigative organization, from the Mayberry PD on up- ONLY have business recommending prosecution based on the evidence.

  2. Anyone of us would have been pilloried, families destroyed, and names drug through every kind of muck imaginable to see what would stick. So much for equal protection….

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