I have been thinking about this a lot.

Towards the end of the Civil War, Lincon said at his second inaugural address:

“With malice toward none with charity for all with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right let us strive on to finish the work we are in to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan ~ to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

As you go through Conservative social media, you see the same videos posted over and over again.

Riots from Trump’s inauguration.  Riots from Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Kenosha, Chicago, etc., this summer.  Video of the CHAZ/CHOP and statues being pulled down.

Congresswoman Maxine Watters saying “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Senator Ted Cruz being chased out of a restaurant with his wife in DC by a mob.

People on Twitter celebrating the beating of Senator Rand Paul and the shooting of Congressman Steve Scalise.

All the coverage of the pee-pee tapes and Trump/Russia collusion, including Congressmen Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff saying they had evidence.

What happened on Wednesday didn’t happen apropos of nothing.  It was pent up anger from the previous four years of #Resistance at all costs.

The way I see it, we have three choices of how to move forward:


We let bygones be bygones.  Tone down the rhetoric, dismiss or reduce most of the charges against the Capitol stormers, and draw a line in the sand that any political violence from this day forward – regardless of who is doing it – is met with the full force of law, and any inciteful rhetoric from any member of the government will be met with the full disciplinary force of the body.


We hold people accountable.  Censure and expulsion charges are brought against Watters, Pelosi, AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Schiff, and Swalwell as well as Republicans.  Antifa and BLM are subject to mass arrests and full federal charges.  There is equitable bipartisan punishment.


This becomes a purge of the Right.  The Right becomes an oppressed minority.  The Left refuses to let go of the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless, a boot stamping on a Trump voter’s face, forever.  There is pushback, more violence, and The Troubles come to America.

I believe the best option is number One.

Congress takes a break and goes on vacation until the inauguration.  No talking shit to the media.  They stop pouring fuel on the fire.  They reconvene on the 20th and we start fresh with equal application of the rules and law and one common moral standard.

Or this all goes to shit.

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By J. Kb

15 thoughts on “My suggestion: Let bygones be bygones an start fresh”
  1. Well said. Thank you. With your permission and credit, I plan to send this to my Senators and my Representative (all d-cks so they will completely ignore it – Larson, Blumenthal, Murphy) in a vain attempt to help calm this down. Hopes and prayers seem to be underpowered these days.

    1. Option 1? No way in HELL! Dimocommie scum gave President Trump lies and distortions for 5 years. China joe* will get the same as long as he is there and then kneepads Harris will get the same. We have to survive 3 years until the next federal election and kowtowing to the anarco-fascits ain’t how we’re going to do it.

  2. With all due respect, Door Number 3 is the one currently being opened. It just isn’t all the way yet.

    The other 2… have no standing, if the past decade is any indication.

    1. I agree with Dread J. Options 1 & 2 have no chance in hell. The best we can hope for is a softening of the rhetoric from the Democrats and/or hoping it is just posturing and they do not follow up on their rhetoric with actions. I suppose there is also a small chance that they get enough push back from those who actually have to enforce their purge (police and courts) to blunt their efforts.

      1. The Democrats feel like they are on the cusp of victory. For that reason, option 1 and 2 are off the table.
        After decades of watching gun control compromise, I know how compromise with the left works: option 1 were possible, they would treat it exactly like they do gun control compromise: They keep your cake.
        At this point, the die is cast.

  3. As with all plans, never forget that the enemy gets a vote too. No matter what option you chose, they’ll choose #3 and that’ll be that. Our options at that point are

    #1 Roll over and take it.
    #2 Fight back.

    And when I say fight back, that’s Chicago style circa advice given to Kevin Costner by Sean Connery. Otherwise any resistance is worse than futile.

  4. The left has chosen option 3, they are drunk and arroused by the possibility of an orgy of destruction of us and our way of life. 50+ years of compromise attempts proves they have no interest in compromise.

    At this point I see 2 options. Either we fight back or we role over. Both will end in rivers of blood, I see no way forward that doesn’t entail violence.

  5. Im willing to accept number one and have already done so myself. Unfortunately I doubt the left with their insane rhetoric will.

    And please dont forgert my States shithead Chris Murphy who on NPR asked outloud “why do the capital police have guns if they were so unwilling to use lethal force.” Or course I paraphrased him but that statement should be all we need to know to know nulmber is probably not going to be tje option.

  6. The left will never realize THEY are the minority in this Country. Until We the People start ignoring them enmass the left will continue screaming at us and pushing thier agenda. No one wants option 3. How many of us are REALLY willing to shed blood. We know there are 2 aets of laws now- dems get a free pass and everyone else gets BOHICAed. Live your life until you are backed into a corner

  7. 8In the words of our new superior. “C’mon man!”

    Going to be 3. Like an abusive pet owner kicking a puppy, some day that puppy will be a dog. Dogs can turn and fight when it’s gone on too much.

    Someone smarter than I once said “you can ignore the left, that doesn’t mean they will ignore YOU!!”

  8. In the words of our new superior. “C’mon man!”

    Going to be 3. Like an abusive pet owner kicking a puppy, some day that puppy will be a dog. Dogs can turn and fight when it’s gone on too much.

  9. There is a critical flaw in your analysis.
    You have assumed (against previously established precedent), that anything touched by a progressive will not turn to shit.

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