I learned two things about Virginia yesterday.

One, Virginia is the new Illinois, and two, the Democrat party has become a fundamentalist hate party.

Both of these things are bad for our nation.

Why is Virginia the new Illinois?  Look at the map of the state house election.

The blue areas but one are the suburbs of DC and Richmond. The economic and political capitals of the state.  But that represents 53% of the voting block.  Much like Chicago and Springfield control Illinois.

This is the model for Democrat take over of a state. New York, Illinois, Colorado, all are Red by area but Blue in the few major metropolitan areas that make up the bulk of the population.

More and more Conservatives in rural areas are going to be under the boot heal of big city Progressives.

Soon it will happen to Texas.  Dallas and Austin will get enough ex-Californians to make it a Blue state.

Second, the Democrat party is now a fundamentalist hate party.

Remember that the Governor was caught in either Blackface or a Klan costume.  The media defended him.  His Lieutenant Governor was caught in a sex scandal.

By any objective measure, the Governor should have been destroyed and the Lieutenant Governor #MeToo-ed out of office. But that would have handed control to a Republican.  So the Democrats would rather have a Klansman and a rapist than a moderate Republican.

Then there was this news:

Her candidacy was “fuck Trump.” That’s it.

That is the candidacy of much of the Democratic party right now.  Not just “fuck Trump” but his voters and supporters too.

Trump supporters are routinely harassed and assaulted in public, with the support of elected Democrats.

This is a party that is running on the same hate as the Soviets when they pushed dekulakization.

“Elect us because we hate the other tribe and want to destroy them.”  As Hitler and Stalin showed, that does not make for a stable nation.

There is a reason the Washington Examiner reports that 7 in 10 believe we are headed for some sort of civil war.

It’s not possible to have a stable nation when the primary platform of one party is “we hate the other party so much we will overlook and foibles on our side to ensure the utter destruction of the other side.”


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “My take on the Nation with the Virginia election as a bellwether”
  1. VA will now “enjoy” the effects of a permanent, California-style Democrat Socialist super-majority.

  2. Start writing your 2029 think pieces about Virginia residents moving out of the state to escape high taxes and crippling business regulations now, folks.

    1. To make it easy,

      Just take every one written about California’s exodus and update it to Virginia’s details.

      Will be the same thing.

  3. The most important thing we can do is educate the ignorant with the weapon of truth! Too many people are afraid to come forward as conservatives, but if we did and armed puselvrd with the facts many more liberals would #walkaway keep speaking truth they will see you were right when jobs go away, taxes get higher and crime rates go up!

    1. Britt, I have longed used that strategy of proposing to offer accurate and truthful information to the ill informed and the ignorant. And, where to research the truth themselves. Typically, the responses can be characterized as, Wow, I didn’t know that (or, I always wondered about that), thanks!

      Yet ever more I would notice that those same persons would not act on this new information after they had met again with their cohorts. They continued with their old way of being. It is tantamount to you wasting your breath.

      So, what you have said is Part I of a two part strategy. Part II is to help develop within them the fortitude to become individual thinkers, to break away from the mob mentality. Without that, they continue to think as the hive does.

      To sum it up, give them truthful knowledge and understanding yet also give them a means to use that new found knowledge.

      I use thoughts of the future to compel their desire to change. ‘Think about how society has changed and not for the better, wouldn’t a more cohesive and stable society be better?’ (A comparison of the past (early 1960 landmark decisions to the last 10 years), the present, and the near future is a good way to get them to contemplate the present course and likely projection if things don’t change direction.) Basically, to cultivate an understanding of recent American history.

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