By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “My thought of the day.”
  1. Bought a weight bench from Amazon — the flat kind you lie on for a bench press.

    Discovered after assembly a tag giving the maximum safe weight limit, which was considerably lower than listed online.

    Me bench pressing my body weight (which I can do) comes uncomfortably close.

    Similarly, my bicycle has a “weight limit” that I don’t exceed by myself, but with my work backpack (I used to commute by bike) I go over. I rode it anyway and it held up, but still something to keep in mind.

    Yea, the fitness equipment industry is a racket; if you want use their stuff to get in shape, you have to already be in shape.

  2. Most of the cheap stuff is what has the stupid weight limits, quality items may have a weight limit but my experience has been that is more of a CYA number than a real limit. That being said you can often build better equipment for cheaper, at least things like weight benches or pullup or dip stations. 3/4” and 1” iron plumbing pipe is as easy to assemble most as of the purchased gym equipment and is far more sturdy, also scrap metal dealers are a great source of gym weights and dumb bells often only needing a spray of rust converter and paint primer or if you want to be fancy truck bed liner. Old steel bicycles found in thrift stores might need new tires but they are more sturdy then the thin walls aluminum bikes you find in most box stores. These old bicycles are also heavier and therefore a better workout.

  3. I guess that explains why a nearly identical Pelican kayak has 250 lb rating in the big box store and a 300 lb rating at Costco. Bicycles are a funny thing because the really high end stuff has things like titanium pedal spindles and really thin tubing for the weight weenies while mid range stuff has chrome moly steel pedals and survives much heavier riders on rougher surfaces.

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