I read Miguel’s post Fifth Circuit Rejects Constitutional Challenges to “Campus Carry” and the Reason article it quotes and I thought I’d throw in my two cents.
There were a couple of quotes from Reason that caught my attention.
[Plaintiff Prof. Jennifer Glass] … argued her classroom speech would be “dampened to some degree by the fear” it could initiate gun violence in the class by students who have “one or more handguns hidden but at the ready if the gun owner is moved to anger and impulsive action.” In an affidavit she expressed particular concern for “religiously conservative students [who] have extreme views,” as well as “openly libertarian students,” whom she “suspect[s] are more likely to own guns given their distaste for government.” …
[Texas argues that Glass’s claim is too speculative to give her standing, because it] rests on the assumption students with concealed-carry licenses, as independent decision-makers, are virtually certain to illegally use their firearms to intimidate, threaten, or commit violence in response to controversial classroom discussion.
Where have we seen this recently, as in the last couple of years?
Immediately the University of California, Berkeley comes to mind. The riot protest triggered by Milo Yiannopoulos did over $100,000 in damage. Ben Shaprio showed up to give a speech and that ended with nine people getting arrested.
This video is a highlight of the Milo protest, which involved students setting fires.
Then at a different rally at Berkeley, a professor ended up bashing several people in the head with a bike lock.
We’ve seen beatings and property damage in major American cities caused by Antifa. Then there has been the Steve Scalise shooting.
There is a cornucopia of evidence that angry Leftists turn violent when their ideas are challenged. They will smash windows, burn cars and offices, spray others with mace, beat them, and shoot them to prove how right their opinions are.
We see none of that from the right.
Glass, and the people that support her know deep down in their hearts how the people are their side are. They project that assumption, without evidence, onto Conservatives.
Second, she cites to various academic studies discussing a so-called “weapons effect.” According to Glass, “[t]hese studies conclude that the hidden presence of guns does threaten disruption of classroom activities, increases the likelihood that violence will erupt in the classroom, and intimidates non-carrying students — and undoubtedly professors, too.”
If Glass where honest, she’d say “If far Left leaning students started carrying guns, any remaining Conservative professors on campus would be in danger of getting shot if they made an argument for Trump or overturning Roe v. Wade in the classroom.” That would require facing the reality that it’s her side that needs to be feared and she is incapable of that.
So the obvious answer for her is to ban guns on campus. The problem is that puts Conservative students at the mercy of violent Leftist who like to patrol the quad and enforce the orthodoxy with baseball bats.
The current protection that we have is that for the most part Leftist students don’t like guns. God and the law help us if that ever changes in a substantial way.
I think you’re wrong, but just a bit. She knows the left wingers will be armed, either with “improvised” weapons or flat-out carrying illegally. Because if you’re prepared to use violence to silence views you don’t like, obeying the law is not your #1 priority.
She wants to ensure that the law-abiding aren’t able to defend themselves. Religious conservatives and libertarians are more law-abiding than leftist thugs, so “banning weapons” is a way to selectively disarm the side she opposes.
Good point. Sullivan all over again.
On the original article: I saved this quote a while ago.
‘I had a liberal colleague giving me grief about guns and that gun owners are crazy, so I just put the question to her – if someone handed you a loaded gun, what would you do with it? She said “I’d look for someone to shoot”. I told her “That’s the difference between me and you – I’d be looking to be sure it was pointed toward a safe place. You’re the one that needs professional help, not me.”‘ — Martin Fischer, Conestoga College (on the bearingarms.com blog)