Earlier this month I brought you the news that the military was going to have a stand-down to combat “extremism” in its ranks.

More news has materialized.

Navy Will Make All Sailors Reaffirm Oath to the Constitution in Extremism Stand-Down

All Navy personnel — uniformed and civilian — will have to repeat the oath of enlistment or office and discuss what actions betray that promise during the virtual or in-person learning sessions that must be held by April 6. The stand-downs will focus on the “damaging effects of extremism” and how to eliminate it, Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Adm. John Nowell wrote in a service-wide message.

Stand-downs are typically held after accidents to ensure safety protocols are being met, but military leaders have used them to address other problems, such as sexual assault or suicides. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby called the arrests following the Capitol siege a “wake-up call” for defense leaders.

Whether extremists are in the ranks is no longer debatable, he added this week. “It’s really just about to what degree,” Kirby said.

Navy leaders can access service-provided a discussion guide and slides to help prepare for the upcoming stand-downs. The discussion guide stresses that troops’ freedom of speech and right to peaceful assembly are protected by the First Amendment. However, the document adds, “these important rights are not unlimited in their protections.”

“Vandalizing government property and storming a police barrier is not an exercise of First Amendment rights,” the guide states. “…Understanding that we support and defend the Constitution of the United States, not a supervisor, political appointee or person occupying a political office.”

That’s nice.

It’s also bullshit.

Navy Task Force One (TF1N) was a program created to:

On 1 July 2020, the Navy stood up Task Force One Navy (TF1N), leveraging our COE governance structure, to identify and make recommendations to dismantle barriers to equality while creating sustainable opportunities, ultimately achieving our desired end-state of warfighting excellence.

This is the pledge taken by TF1N:

As a key member of Task Force One Navy I will invest the time, attention and empathy required to analyze and evaluate Navywide issues related to racism, sexism, ableism and other structural and interpersonal biases.

I pledge to be actively inclusive in the public and private spheres where I live and work, and proactively encourage others to do the same. I pledge to advocate for and acknowledge all lived experiences and intersectional identities of every Sailor in the Navy.

I pledge to engage in ongoing self-reflection, education and knowledge sharing to better myself and my communities. I pledge to be an example in establishing healthy, inclusive and team-oriented environments.

I pledge to constructively share all experiences and information gained from activities above to inform the development of Navywide reforms.

That is pretty Woke.

Granted, that is not the oath of enlistment, but that is the pledge the people who are revamping the Navy took.

How long until this trickles down and the rest of the Navy is forced to swear an oath of Wokeness?

How did the US military get turned from the finest fighting force on Earth, that at one point defeated two of the most evil empires to ever exist, simultaneously, on opposite sides of the world, into little more than a partisan political Woke cancel mob armed with heavy weapons turned against the nation’s citizens?

Slowly first, then all at once.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Navy is about to swear allegiance to who knows what”
  1. “Extremism “ works BOTH ways… they will find that out. Being anti Trump(anti American) IS extremism

  2. It’s time for Buzz Word Bingo!! The game that gives you something to do during bullshit meetings that’s more fun than paying attention!

    Who had “COE governance structure” or two squares: “Center of Excellence” and “Governance Structure?” That’s a big one, take the points and keep playing.

  3. This really started about 2014 to 2015 during the Obama era “downsizing” of the military. The downsizing was based on “performance reviews”but oddly enough people of certain political bend had better written reviews then those of a contrasting political opinion. The officer corps also used it as a opportunity to eliminate themselves of mustangs “those who had risen from enlisted to officer ranks” and those who not favored “not closely attached to a ring knocker or wrong politics ” from the non academy officer programs. The entitled ring knockers from West Point were largely unaffected by threats of the draw down and surprise surprise the majority of them were exceedingly leftist and authoritarian their policies and beliefs. By late 2015 they are finished with the officer corps and have begun extending it through the NCO core.It was consistent enough to make me believe it was planned that way and nervous enough that I got out of the active military in early 2016 before it looked like Trump ever had a chance.

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