This is, of course, bullshit.

There is no prohibition against receiving an organ or transplanted tissue.  Most of the Orthodox Jewish community has gone for organ donation.

There is a principle in Judaism, pikuach nefesh, which translates to watching over a soul.  The highest value is to save a life, overriding all other obligations.

The classical example is if there is only non-Kosher food, it is better to eat and live than eschew the non-Kosher food and starve.

Children, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and sick people are obligated to eat on days of fasting and not risk their health.

Portraying an Orthodox Jew as unable to accept an allograft because it comes from a non-Jew and perhaps even a woman, is absolute factually inaccurate bigotry.

This show is Canadian and imported into the US.

The attitude that they are showing is actually one seen in strict Muslim communities.  It’s Muslims who have openly rejected Israeli vaccines, including the Ayatollah banning them from import.  It is strict Islam that also has rejected porcine and other Halal-derived medicines, such as vaccines, insulin, and tissue scaffolds.

But of course, Woke Canada can’t portray Muslims in any sort of negative way, so they push that bullshit on Orthodox Jews and call it good.

NBC should of at least had the wherewithal to leave that scene on the cutting room floor, but after insulting Israel on SNL, they wanted to make it absolutely clear that the Woke entertainment industry hates Jews any more observant or Conservative than Woody Allen.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “NBC is really letting all their Antisemitism out”
  1. Who cares about insulting the Jooooz. They control the world.?

    Besides, Orthodox Jews usually vote the “wrong” way, so the Left don’t care.

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