Deadnaming is the moral sin against transpeople of using their birth (pre-transition) name.

I keep saying that the actual number of trans individuals, those who actually have gender dysphoria, is rather small.

Instead, most people who identify as transgender are like Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs.

What we have an overabundance of is emotionally damaged people with personality disorders who hate themselves and have glommed onto transgenderism as a way of rebooting themselves with the added benefit of victim status.

That’s why deadnaming is so “traumatic,” it reminds them of the person they were and hated and have tried to escape.

Apparently the UPenn swimmer was a medal winner in high school but not in college on the men’s team.  One transition later he’s not just a medal winner but a record breaker.  It doesn’t take much understanding of psychology to fathom why a young man who went from effortless winner to struggling loser would be full of self loathing and want to reinvent himself as a winner, especially a winner who cannot be criticized.

I’ll bring it back to the issue of transwomen lesbians.   To the man (pun intended), they were incels pre-transition.  A common refrain in the incel community is that the girls who reject the incels are lesbians.

It doesn’t take that much of a jump to get why incels who say the women who reject them are lesbians and are full of self loathing because they can’t get laid decide to transition and become lesbians themselves.  To prey on the women who rejected them as men.

To deadname these sexual predators exposes their incel past.

I have empathy for people with actual gender dysphoria who just want to function as normal individuals.

I have nothing but contempt for the people with personality disorders why use the trans social justice movement to manipulate society rather than fixing themselves.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “NBC News reinforces my belief that Thomas Harris predicted the world today”
  1. “What we have an overabundance of is emotionally damaged people with personality disorders who hate themselves and have glommed onto transgenderism as a way of rebooting themselves with the added benefit of victim status.”

    Personally, I think that is actually a very small number of people, in relation to the massive number of transgenders that suddenly appeared over the last two/three years. The “victim status” is part of it. A convenient way to deflect from one’s faults. An easy way to gain status.

    However, it is also the social credits earned. No one paying attention to your tweets, facebook posts, or whatever??? Claim you are transgender, change your icon to whatever one has the biggest impact, and suddenly you feel like the world is your friend. What you “are” now has some socioeconomic value. At least in the minds of the people claiming transgenderism status.

    This trend is not really different than what has been going on throughout history. Teens rebel against their parent’s norms, and have been since the family unit started. What differs is the ease of 1.) identifying the fads, and 2.) sharing (and gaining acceptance) for your rebellion.

    Five years from now, there will be some other simple way to claim victim status.

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