Miguel has covered this topic before and I wanted to cover it again.


Especially when you are outnumbered.  That can lead to you getting surrounded and that is the most dangerous situation to be in.

Three examples from three different protests:


Miguel covered the guy in Dallas who got beat to a bloody pulp.

There is a little more to this story.

Here is the complete video:

I understand that he was defending his store.  But he broke his perimeter and left the store.  That’s when he was outnumbered, surrounded, and got beat to within an inch of his life.

Salt Lake City:

This idiot gets out of his car with a compound bow, gets off one shot, and then is mobbed and beaten.  There is some debate if he was being defensive or out there to start some shit of his own.  Either way, that’s the not point.  He broke his perimeter getting out of his car.


He was interviewed by the news and look and the state that he was in:



Watch what happens to a couple of Chicago cops when they get outnumbered and surrounded.


That female cop was completely at the mercy of the protesters who had her on the ground and were dragging her.

I understand that the police are supported to maintain law and order and intervene in a dangerous situation, but they are so ridiculously outnumbered that it’s just an invitation for them to get into more trouble.

Three different protests.  Three different situations in which one or more people who opposed the rioters broke a defensive or defendable perimeter into an open area where they were outnumbered, and got mobbed and beaten.

If it happened to them it could happen to you.

If there are riots in your area, do not break your perimeter.  Do not let yourself get surrounded.

Arm yourself and hunker down.


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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Never break your perimeter and let yourself get surrounded – three different protests edition”
  1. There is an NFA dealer in Miami that has belt fed uppers for sale. This might help deal with a large crowd.

      1. Didn’t see anything on the link re belt-fed…?

        Might be me, I don’t Twitter for the most part.

          1. Thanks!

            A bit rich for my blood … and if it weren’t, I’d think about spending that to buy 4-6 regular ARs and ammo for some friends and neighbors.

            Although … I do have a spare lower…. 🙂

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