This guy did a really stupid thing.

Yes, Antifa attacked him.  Yes, they damaged his vehicle.  Yes, they pepper-sprayed him and probably would have beaten his ass.

But the second he pulled out that gun, especially because the cops were there, he fucked himself.

He brandished a weapon, which was doubly stupid because he did this is Oregon where the government has all but given Antifa free reign to do whatever they want, destroy whatever they want, attack whomever they want, and just about kill whomever they want.

I have said it time and time again that Antifa needs to be taught a lesson the hard way with bullets, but it’s not going to be John Q. Citizen outside of his F-150 that does it.

The good news is that the cops appeared to have let him go after it was all over.

I don’t know all the details but I’m to assume that they let him go only because of how many cars were attacked previously, by Antifa, on video, and the fact that his car was damaged, he was totally outnumbered, surrounded, and he was repeatedly pepper-sprayed.

Also, this is Salem, not Portland.

I’m about 99.99% sure that in Portland, if Antifa kicked in your door, went up your stairs into your bedroom, and beat you with a bat while raping your wife, and you managed to get a gun out of your nightstand and shoot one, you will be the one going to jail.

Still, I’m going to consider this guy exceptionally lucky that he’s not going to spend the next ten years in prison.

Do not brandish a weapon.

I wish the law was different.  I really do.  But what I wish is irrelevant and brandishing will get cuffs slapped on you in a heartbeat.

Also, note the narration in the last video.  This crazy bitch is mad that the police didn’t kill him, which she assumes is because he is white.  Not that previous videos showed him completely complying with the officer who told him to put his gun down and handcuffed him.

Law-abiding gun-owning citizens should stay as far from Antifa as possible.  Honestly, Just abandon Oregon to Antifa and Leftist politicians and let them sleep in the bed they made together.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Man defending himself from Antifa nearly has his life ruined for doing something dumb”
  1. On a side note, I have to repeat, Buy Andy Ngo’s book “Unmasked” — before it is memory-holed and hard to find. Buy another one and donate to a willing librarian. Buy another one and give it to someone ( if you can assure that they will actually read it) who might buy into the thinking that antifa is “just an idea.”
    Ngo estimates that there are at least 100,000 hard-core members. And they have a working relationship with untold numbers of Blm communists.
    In my opinion, their goal is a communist revolution in our country. They truly think that they can pull it off.
    These all-to-often incidents of intimidation will not stop until something is done.

  2. I wonder how many police officers realize that their actions have guaranteed that an ever-increasing number of people will be treating them and their families the same as the antifa and BLM murderers once the gloves come off.

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