6 thoughts on “Never Forget.”
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Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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This is a very sad day for America. I see suggestions across the main stream media that it is time we view September 11th from a different perspective. If that concept has value to some, OK. But in my world, September 11th will ALWAYS be a day of sadness for the many innocent victims & their families.
Well said Ron. If it happened once, it could happen again. That`s my perspective. NEVER forget.
I was a middle schooler when this happened. Living in Northern Virginia, I knew friends who had been shuttled home very early once news broke.
When I entered High School, it was then I realized that not everyone seemed to be on the same page. “Bush Lied, People Died” and all that was the rage amongst my peers. Then again, I was the chubby, freshly minted U.S. citizen who still remembered the deaths, the sacrifices, and the fact evil men exists.
They can re-analyze it all they want. Most of the time they merely do it to dance on these innocent people’s graves.
Never forget. Never forgive.
Just my opinion.
Never forget. Never forgive.
At the same time, it was 11 years ago. The effect now is different. I no longer view the event with the same kind horror I felt when my dad pulled me out of school that day to tell me (at the time, I lived in Canada and the event was not so earthshaking there as to warrant mention by the staff during school). Now, it is a dark reminder, that no matter how safe you are, no matter how free you are, there are always people who resent that and will try to take it away. So I remember, I honor the fallen, I pray that it never happens again, and yet I recognize that it might.
I was a recent college graduate, on my way to work, when I heard the news on the morning show. At first, I thought it was a hoax like Welles’ War of the Worlds. As the full horror of the day unfolded an eerily calm, seething rage and hatred decended upon me. It remains unabated today. My ears can still hear the blood of innocents crying out from the soil of Pennsylvania, Virginia and New York, wailing for justice and retribution. Forgiveness is divine; I am not.