Pressure builds on Biden to act on guns in wake of Colorado mass shooting – CNNPolitics

And with the movement of eliminating the Filibuster so Congress can behave like the Venezuelan National Assembly, we are in for a rough time.

But at least we are not letting certain individual to buy expensive suits and take trips in private planes.

We are so much more morally superior because of that. 

(The above will probably be engraved in tombstones in our future)

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “Never let a created crisis go to waste.”
  1. The NRA isn’t the only gun rights organization. I’m a member of GOA and the SAF and the Missouri Firearms Coalition. My NRA membership is still active but I only donate to the other three.

  2. This was inevitable.

    There was going to be another mass shooting, and pResident Burden is going to use it to restrict gun rights. End of story.

    What can we do about it? Pretty much nothing. The gun restriction laws will pass the socialist run House, and the Senate will find a way to pass them. End of story.

    1. Here I was thinking that you were an advocate of debating them, so you could convince them otherwise. Have you already come to the conclusion that your plan will fail?
      I forgot, all along you have been the quisling who said:
      “Laws will be passed. You will be turned into a criminal overnight.

      Will they send a SWAT team to break down your door and confiscate your guns? They will not have to.

      They only have to do this once, maybe twice, and you will see 80%-90% of gun owners decide to comply instead of fight. (Be realistic here. Who is going to risk their lives, their family’s lives, their retirement, their home, etc… to keep an AR-15? Will you?)”

      I call it like I see it- you are the guy that will turn the rest of us in to save your own sorry ass.
      (sorry Miguel, but this guy has been advocating bending a knee for months)

      1. Hi Divemedic!

        Wow, amazing how well you can read my mind and determine my future intentions by pulling a few quotes out of context. Is this some kind of side effect of the vaccine?

        OK, let’s play a game.

        What is the difference between this guy:
        and Divemedic?

          1. Oh, hello again Karen.

            Your ability to read my mind amazes me. At what point did I advocate doing that? Perhaps if instead of reading the words, you actually attempted to discern the intent of what I wrote in the forums, your comments here might carry some weight.

            Instead, you are stalking me, and harassing me because… why exactly?

            There is this “don’t be a dick” rule. I am pretty sure your actions on this comment thread violates it.

            Now, what I expect is you will head on over to the forums, pull up the thread where I wanted to engage other folks in the gun community in a harmless debate, and pull other quotes out of context as if somehow, that makes you the victim here. Go on, prove me wrong.

            1. Troll? Stalking? Don’t flatter yourself, cupcake. I’ve been around this blog for years, and been fighting the gun control attempts since before the Clinton administration.

              When you attempt to turn your shit in, tell Agent Smith I said hi.

              1. Hmmm….
                What exactly do stalkers do? Oh, that’s right, they show up uninvited and make themselves a problem without reason.

                What exactly do trolls do? Oh, that’s right, they pull quotes out of context from on-line forums, and accuse the author of saying something they did not say.

                Yep, you aren’t doing anything of the sort… Much.

                And, I am flattered.
                You are providing me a measurable amount of your (obviously) limited mental real estate, completely rent free.
                Why should I not be flattered?

      2. Could we turn down the heat a bit? There are enough enemies out there; it isn’t helpful to work so hard to create new ones when you don’t need to.

        1. I cannot speak for Divemedic, but I am having a bit of fun at his expense here.

          Really not sure why he has decided to troll me, but if that is how he wants to spend his time, I am good with it.

  3. Hi Divemedic:

    Your ability to read my mind, and determine my intent is amazing. Is this a side effect of the COVID vaccine?

    Saw you at the Hobby Lobby the other day. Grabbed a bit of video:

    I call it like I see it, and you are a troll. Feel free to fuck off any time you like

    1. OK, this is weird. This text was edited out of the comment. Not sure what buffer this popped out of, but I deleted the “dickiness” before hitting post.

      Request deletion from the admins. Thanks

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