By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “New Year’s in Wuhan.”
  1. I’m gonna go on record here: I don’t think we’re dealing with real deal communism here. All the features are there, but this just feels different.
    I’m not a super eloquent guy, but if I had to name it, I really believe everything in the world (the elites especially) is moving towards feudalism. A ruling class that makes decisions independently of the working class (both blue and white collar), who passes on leadership by nepotism rather than merit while the rest of us are forced to support them with next to no ability for upward movement.
    Like I said, communism contains all these aspects, but… I dunno. It’s just a gut feeling. Perhaps communism was simply another name for it; this whole time?

    History had a much longer run of feudalism than anything else. We clearly gravitate towards it despite it’s miseries.

  2. I guess they were celebrating the success of their biowarfare attack on the free world, along with their successful manipulation of the US Presidential election.

    1. Not a biowarfare attack. A psychological warfare attack.

      This virus may be natural, or man made, does not really matter. It may be worse than the numbers are making it out to be, but I am not seeing it.

      One thing that is sure. The CCP (and other organizations that want to see the large economic powerhouses across the world knocked down a notch) capitalized on the virus.

      The stories coming out of China early in this panicdemic were terrifying. People collapsing in the street, doors welded shut with residents inside to stop the spread, etc… The official statement was China had to destroy the Wuhan economy and let thousands of people die in order to stop the spread. These stories “leaked” out on social media, and got hundreds of thousands of likes/retweets. Sometimes within minutes. The trended almost instantly.

      And, the population of the world bought into it. Hook, line, and sinker.

      This was a psychological warfare attack, not a bio one.

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