Fleissig told the South Florida Sun Sentinel that the seats were folded down when she picked up the SUV, and she didn’t look in the back until two days later.
When she and her daughter saw the bag, they looked for an ID. They found the gun.
Her daughter unzipped the bag and said, “ ‘Oh my God, it’s a gun.’ I said, ‘I think I’m going to throw up,’ ” Fleissig told the paper.
So Mrs. Tannehill does a bonehead thing to which I can’t complain much or a friend of mine would painfully remind me of a similar event in my past. But the reaction of the New Yorker is….expected.
This is the behavior you get when raised in what Paul Markel calls “Slave States.” New Yorkers have this reputation for being tough, but my experience has shown me otherwise.
That an adult may develop such a physical reaction to an inanimate object would be hilarious if it wasn’t so pitiful
No wonder Bloomberg was a mayor of NYC for so long. Every time he went BOO, at least three boroughs pooped in their collective pants and the rest managed to get to a toilet.
and in other news: Mrs. Tannenhil

And if it was me, I would have been like, “OMG, it’s a gun! DIBS!!
I was just coming in here to post “Dude! Free gun!”
Seriously, that AR-15 is probably worth more than the SUV.
Living in Rapid City, South Dakota, I saw a family having a conniption downtown. The mother was on the verge of tears, holding her children to her. The father was yelling and demanding the police be called.
I, like several other locals, stopped to see if we could help. We were met with insults about how we are all knuckling dragging, redneck, idiots, etc. Once the police go there, the story unfolded.
They were from NYC on vacation to see Mt. Rushmore. The were in the tourist section of down town, when a man stepped out of a store carrying a gun, and just walked right past them. The couldn’t believe someone could just carry a gun down a city street, they thought they were going to die.
They didn’t realize they were on the same street as one of the nicest gun stores I have ever been in, and by SD state law you don’t need a case an unloaded weapon. Actually carrying guns in and out of First Stop down town is a very common sight.
But I had the same though. New Yorkers are supposed to be so tough. But then they go to small town South Dakota and have a mind bending, tear streaming, snot-bubble blowing, hissy fit when they encounter lax local guns laws.