At least he did not go on the floor. That should count for something.

And in moving news, we are down to painting the living room/Dining area. We are finishing papering & covering with plastic and then I will get the airless gun going. Having pop corn ceiling is nasty and than gun for the gun.

Oh yes, I almost forgot! I caught some nasty stomach virus who had me parked at the toilet most of the night. I am feeling weakly so I have to take breaks too often not including the literal runs to the bathroom. You figure after alll the evacuation done, I may have lost a pound or two but nope.

Oh well.

Happy Fourth of July and returning fire is contraindicated even if the dumb neighbor deserves i

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “New York’s Hygienic Homeless”
  1. I’m surprised he didn’t keep mopping with it. It wouldn’t have made a difference

  2. Get a 5 gallon bucket of paint and 3 -4 M80s. Wire the fuses together, take lid off bucket. Light fuzes drop em in paint bucket. KA. BOOM!!!! rooms painted, popcorn ceiling an all.

  3. You’ve got to fight,
    For your right,
    To $hit in a mop bucket.
    (Apologies to the Beastie Boys.)

  4. At least he did not go on the floor. That should count for something.

    Yes, but he didn’t give a $#!+ (sorry….) if it then got smeared all over the floor. Which it probably would have if people hadn’t been paying attention and alerted the sanitation guy (I’m not sure he would have noticed himself until after).

    At least going right on the floor, it’s in one pile….

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