From The Hill:

New York City has released 900 inmates in response to coronavirus pandemic

New York City has released 900 inmates to avoid the risk of coronavirus spreading in the city’s jails, Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) said Tuesday.

De Blasio made the announcement at a press briefing while reporting that a second member of New York City’s corrections department had died from the disease.

So ten Jews get together and de Blasio will shut down the Synagogue permanently, but loot a CVS and you are entitled to a get out of jail free pass.

No wonder people are trying to escape that concrete shithole.


As goes New York, goes California.

California to release 3,500 inmates early as coronavirus spreads inside prisons

California is granting early release to 3,500 inmates in an effort to reduce crowding as coronavirus infections begin spreading through the state prison system.

Lawyers for Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday told a panel of federal judges the state is taking “extraordinary and unprecedented protective measures” to slow the spread of the virus and protect those who live and work within California’s 35 prisons. The accelerated prison discharges — affecting inmates due to be released over the next 60 days — come in the face of pressure to do much more.

Hooray, infected criminals are being let loose onto the streets of LA.

I can just feel the health and safety of uninfected law-abiding citizens being prioritized.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “New York’s prioritiy during the Coronacrisis – Updated: California too”
  1. It’s been said before, but …

    And the left wonders why we get upset when they try to close gun stores.

  2. Leave the dirt in prison.
    Let the infection spread
    Make sure there are stories of…”going to jail, prison or federal pen is a death sentence due to kung flu”
    Cover the deaths front page

    Bet MF’z cut the crap! A death sentence because you committed a jail-able offense that you’d normaly bail out on!


    Mean while booze sale’s are 55% greater.
    Maybe…..we are getting……
    The Overdue Bleaching we Earned.

  3. If someone gets sick in prison, the state has to pay for his treatment. California is dumping the potential expense on the cities and counties who will have to treat the ex-prisoners, who are presumably indigent. So the state wins, and X County loses. And X County will probably be reimbursed with Federal, not State, funds.
    NYC, on the other hand, is just saving the treatment costs from its Department of Corrections and imposing them on its hospital system. In other words, DeBlasio is just taking money out of a different pocket. He’s not as smart as Newsom.
    Plus, of course, the chances of being infected in prison are much higher than in general society.
    As far as the public safety is concerned, an NYPD copper once said, “Nobody above a captain [on the NYPD] gives a damn about the public safety.” Why should a mayor or a governor?

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