You know how fanatic I am about getting to the source for info. It does not get any closer than this.

This morning’s report from Harlem has a few more interesting facts. It seems that it is still taking 5-7 days for COVID test results to come back. My son reports that test results don’t matter at this point, because they have gotten quite good at spotting COVID patients by looking that the patient’s lab results, chest xray, and vital signs. He reports that nearly every patient who comes in has COVID.

Last night saw 5 patients die in the ED of COVID.

One patient who came in had been stabbed in the arm, but had an O2 sat of 76% and a fever of over 100F. He refused a COVID test and left after being stitched up. He likely has it, but we will likely never know for sure.

more from Harlem

He’s got more and I urge you to read and go back to read past posts. The O2 Saturation was freaky to me. I had a small procedure about 4-5 years ago and the hospital “would not  allow me” to go home because my O2 was stuck under 96%.  The wife knows I dislike hospitals, dislike being ordered by medical personnel and that I can get angry after anesthesia. so she was smart enough to get me to hyperventilate and get a nurse to certify I indeed hit that number so we could go home.  I quit smoking after that.

So, knowing how skittish  are medical people about low O2 levels, reading about 76% is a bit of a shocker. And overall the post also tell us that Wuhan V accelerates maladies that are already festering the person. I have seen too many people online bitching that doctors are classifying any death as from the virus just because the person died while having Coronavirus and just to inflate the stats. A virus that affects not only oxygen saturation but even seemingly coagulation , will tip over and crash an otherwise precarious balance that a person was holding with previous conditions. So recording a death as virus-related when you die of a diabetic shock, is indeed accurate.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “News from the front: Divemedic’s Son is right there”
  1. The reports of supplies being seized and not distributed are troubling, but it’s hard to separate rumors from reality, even when you’re on the scene. I wouldn’t be shocked if there’s some official somewhere who took seriously the command to gather supplies, but “missed” the part about distributing — it’s the stereotype of a military supply officer for a reason.

    Good information; thanks for linking to it.

  2. Silver lining, IMO, is that all these wanna-be-fascists/dictators are waving their self-monogrammed commie flags loud & clear for everyone to see.

    If only people remember this come election time…

    1. Unfortunately, half the country is pleading for a strongman. The same people that have shrieked that Trump is a dictator the last 4 years are now livid that he’s not actually becoming a dictator. This Corona shit has been a horrifying look into the dark totalitarian future that so many people want. Social media has been a particularly fetid cesspool of leftists merrily and sanctimoniously commanding the populace to obediently adhere to anything a power hungry Governor dictates is necessary. We’ve got people gleefully reporting their neighbors and businesses to the police for violating the new rules. I hope you’re right and I’m wrong.

  3. I really wanted to ask him what the age of the dead was, and were they already sick- like most data indicates- but I can’t post there -don’t use the g ID.

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