Buddy Manny L linked me to this meme:

So I followed the instruction and to my surprise, this was the result:

Click to enlarge

And for the hell of it, I did a quick search to see who owns those papers and much to my not surprise, the one who pays and tell these people what to write is none other than Gannett.

Floridian gun owners have probably heard of Lee Williams, the Gun Writer who for many years was the only  and pro Second Amendment  journalist working for a regular newspaper and had his own blog. Recently he was first ordered to stop the gun articles and then Maribel Perez Wadsworth, president of Gannett news and publisher of USA TODAY, disappeared his blog and podcasts losing almost a decade of work.

I have gotten some criticism for my loathing to newspapers and old Media, but we no longer have even an approximation to a lie of what Journalism was supposed to be.  We have a fully committed propaganda department to an ideology that clashes directly with the Bill of Rights and they could not care less if they are destroying what used to be respected newspapers.

They want power and they do not want anybody standing in the way of achieving it.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Newspapers are filled with independent and trustworthy journalists, right? So why the script?”
  1. There have been 9 mass(3 plus victims) shootings in Chicago alone in 2021 to date. The other states in your screen shot are nothing….

  2. Gannett used to be the owner of a pile of small town newspapers of no particular significance other than that they made a modest profit and provided employment to a number of people. It’s too bad to see them turn into the owner and controller of a pile of mini-Pravda’s.

    Did those blogs get recovered from archive.org or other web backups yet? Worth doing — soon if possible just in case archive.org disappears them also.

  3. Once again, compare any action of a leftist against that of a toddler.

    Leftists are lazy and do not want to have to earn what they want to have. Just like toddlers.
    Leftists do not ever want to hear anything that disagrees with their view of the world. Just like your average toddler.
    Leftists will try to drown out, or silence anything they do not like, just like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
    Leftists think they know all the answers, and that the world should change to fit their views/wants. Just like a toddler.
    And, your average leftists is not capable of considering the consequences of their actions, especially the unintended consequences.

    Put a leftist in charge of a media outlet, and their little toddler comes out, and they will try to remake the universe into their ideal.

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