Some Twitter blue checkmark that I have never heard of posted this:

She is not alone in this, the Pulitzer Prize-winning creator of the 1619 Project said the same thing.

So property destruction, looting, arson, theft, and turning cities into wastelands isn’t violence.

However, white people not actively affirming black lives matter is, because silence is violence.


Also, mispronouncing a transwoman’s name is violence, even when the mispronunciation is by accident because the transwoman’s pronunciation does not comport to the rules of common English, (This person’s name is spelled Shea).

The purpose of this is transparent.

The Newspeak definition of violence is “every destructive thing the Left does is not violence, everything that is insufficiently woke or shows a lack of obsequiousness to the Left is violence.”

Of course, our laws meter out different punishments for violent and non-violent crimes.

Using this Newspeak definition, it’s wrong to use police force to stop people from looting a small business or destroying a public monument, but the cops can take down and beat with sticks a white person who engages in a benign slip of the tongue.

My question is: does middle America understand that this is the goal, and if they do, do they understand what is at stake?

This is the future under the far Left.

You can have everything you worked for taken away by a mob, but that’s not violence.  But when it’s over, if you paint over the “black lives matter” graffiti on your storefront after your business has been gutted, you will be taken to jail for a violent hate crime.



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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “Newspeak Violence”
    1. That article speaks of people “making off with anything they could carry”. The WSJ today put it differently, though. They said looters showed up with rental trucks and other large vehicles to haul away their loot.
      When even dimwit fellow traveler Lori calls them “criminals” you know the picture has been made extremely clear.

    1. And while they bleat that destroying property isn’t violence, they complain that blacks have no accumulated wealth. If you want to accumulate wealth and pass it down to future generations, don’t let it be burnt down.

      And I will bet they wouldn’t be so sanguine if it were their home being torched.

  1. Property is the result of work. Work is done by people investing their time — a portion of their lifespan. And as many have pointed out, your time is irreplaceable. If you spend your time on one thing, you don’t have it to spend on anything else.
    If someone destroys your property, they destroy the portion of your life you invested in creating that property.
    That is a sufficient reason to authorize deadly force in protection of property. But there’s another point.
    Destruction of property can lead to despair, and despair can lead to crime or to suicide. That is another connection between property and life.

  2. Property is irrelevant. You have it, they want it….you lose….They win and nobody is happy. Time to decorate the lamp posts.

  3. Trivia item: Jefferson’s draft of the Declaration of Independence spoke of the “Right to Life, Liberty, and Property”. The phrase “Pursuit of Happiness” was a last minute substitution. It makes a pretty phrase but the original was a lot clearer.

  4. So if the antifa brown black shirts burn your house with you in it, or blind you with a laser that’s NOT violence? So if I add a few air holes to a white antifa goon’s soon to be corpse it’s not violence because he/she/it isn’t Black and because I’m not an agent of the state? Asking for a friend.

  5. Last night on wgn in Chicago a black cook co commissioner said the Chicago police should be completely defunded and all the funds used in black neighborhoods, the police budget is about $5 million a day. He had to be asked several times if he was opposed to looting, never did give a clear answer. No police at all

  6. From Websters:
    Definition of violence
    1a: the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy
    b: an instance of violent treatment or procedure
    2: injury by or as if by distortion, infringement, or profanation : OUTRAGE
    3a: intense, turbulent, or furious and often destructive action or force
    the violence of the storm
    b: vehement feeling or expression : FERVOR
    also : an instance of such action or feeling
    c: a clashing or jarring quality : DISCORDANCE

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