Soda is a major contributor to obesity and diabetes, both of which are linked at a rate of 78% to being co-morbidities of COVID.

For the health of America it seems like bubbly sugar water needs to be subjected to an excise tax.  Is 1,000% enough or should it be 10,000% just to drive home the point how bad drinking three or four sodas a day is for you?

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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “Next President J.Kb. policy”
      1. If I want “good whiskey”, I drink scotch.
        If I want a good drink, I pour Cola in my Jack.

        But what do I know, for I, too, indulge in pineapples on my pizza. And also cherries. And that one time… gooseberries.

  1. Sales of Carbonated Fructose Beverages should also be restricted to persons 18 or older, require photographic identification, and retailers should only be allowed to keep Carbonated Fructose Beverage behind the counter and inaccessible to minors.

    The United States Surgeon General should be tasked with coming up with an appropriate warning label to be displayed prominently on every container of Carbonated Fructose Beverage.

    Finally, the United States Department of Justice should begin a long and thorough investigation into Carbonated Fructose Beverage manufacturers (“Big Soda”) to discover how long they have been aware of the health risks caused by consumption of Carbonated Fructose Beverages and then sue them for billions.

  2. Ignoring for the moment the evils of sugared sodas, I think Royal Crown should buy the naming rights for one or more Atlanta sports venues and/or convention center. Like a giant middle finger to Coke in their home town.

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