We don’t buy pork shoulder because smoking that much piggy meat for two people is dumb. But the “steaks” ? Genius. I can cut the shoulder and freeze the steaks till we need them.

That looks too good not to try. I will post whenever I get some done.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Next Smoking Challenge: Pork Steaks”
  1. I used to grill inch-thick pork chops in a tiny Weber kettle grill, with a couple handfuls of soaked hickory chips on the charcoal. They tasted like meaty bacon.

  2. We don’t buy pork shoulder because smoking that much piggy meat for two people is dumb.

    We do it all the time. I’ll get roughly four pounds of pulled pork leftovers that get broken into plastic tubs. Maybe we have leftovers the next day and freeze the rest, on occasion we’ve had pulled pork for a few days.

    Most of the time, we freeze it and have leftover pulled pork in various ways.

  3. What a great idea. I generally buy meat in larger portions like that, portion it for the two of us, and vacuum seal it and freeze. I can’t pass by a pork shoulder when they go on sale. This looks like an awesome alternative to a whole pulled pork.

    SIGraybeard beat me to it. I cook a whole shoulder and package up the pulled pork for later. Using a vacuum seal bag is the trick. Portion it out in maybe 1lb servings, and seal it. It’ll last for awhile in the fridge, or freeze it.

    To heat it up, take a pack and put the it in a boiling/simmering water bath for 15 min. Comes out like the day you cooked it.

  4. For a couple business trips (media events, grip and grin political stuff, etc) our company put us up at a hunting lodge as it was the nicest lodging available in the area and you’ve got to make a good impression on the media in our industry.

    One of their signature meals was a smoked pork chop . . . holy crap, it was amazing and I certainly looked forward to it the few times I went there. Best way I could describe it was that it was like eating a bacon steak.

    I don’t think you’ll be disappointed at all with this one.

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