I am late for this party, but let me get a dance in anyway.

CS/CS/SB 90: Election Administration
GENERAL BILL by Governmental Oversight and Accountability ; Ethics and Elections ; Baxley

Election Administration; Limiting the duration of requests for vote-by-mail ballots to all elections through the end of the calendar year of the next regularly scheduled general election; requiring vote-by-mail ballot requests to include additional identifying information regarding the requesting elector; prohibiting the display of an absent elector’s party affiliation or other partisan information on the outside of vote-by-mail ballots and return and secrecy envelopes; prohibiting the use of drop boxes for the return of vote-by-mail ballots, etc.

Read the bill.

So what evil remembrance from the Good Old Boys Klan-Based Democrat South are the Republican bringing with this law? Poll Taxes? Literacy tests? Veiled threats against Blacks?

ID for Mail In vote request.  Kid-You-Not.

I believe that the Democrats go something like this: “How dare the Republicans think African Americans actually have state-issued identification or are smart enough to get one! ” 

And if you do not have Drivers License or Florida ID, you can use the last four digits of your SSN.  The noise they are making, you would believe they are asking for a photo, fingerprints and a background check before they get to send you a Mail In Ballot.

But wait, there is more evil republican voter suppression in this bill. If you cannot deliver the vote in person, you can design an immediate family member to do it for you 9 days before the election and the designee must present ID and a written authorization to turn in the vote. Damn it! How dare the FLAGOP interfere with ballot harvesting!

And they also messed up with the canvassing of the Mail In Votes by allowing the poll workers to start counting the Mail Ins once the machines are tested and ready to go in election day and have till noon the next day. No chance to fuck around with “late coming votes” from a friendly Democrat Postal Supervisor who just happened to find two trucks full of votes for the D’s.

There are a couple of other things, including the elimination of Drop Boxes altogether. But this Jim Crow shit Fuzzy Nikki talks about? That only happened on her side of the Pot Patch.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Nikki Fried parrots Biden and bemoans Florida’s SB 90 (election reform) as Jim Crow.”
  1. Personally, I’m for the following:
    – voters must register before each election. Rolls are purged and remade every single time. No exceptions.
    – all voting has to be done in person, at the polling place you’re assigned. (1)
    – voters must show a valid ID with the same information they provided when they registered (e.g. drivers license or ID number, address, etc.). If it doesn’t match the person doesn’t vote.
    – all voting done on paper ballots with marks that can be seen via camera during the counting process.
    – all counting done by hand
    – all counting videoed
    – anyone can witness the counting process

    (1) Exceptions
    (a) physically incapable. Doctor’s diagnosis letter required; if proven false, doctor’s medical license is stripped permanently.
    (b) in the armed services, serving overseas.
    (c) Anything else?

    OR … to vote you bring last year’s tax return showing net taxes paid. Didn’t pay any Federal taxes net? You don’t get to vote in the Federal election because you aren’t paying for it. Didn’t pay any State taxes, same deal at the state level.

    But that’s probably racist or biased or privileged or something. Whatever the current term for “reasonably useful and contributing member of society” is at the moment.

  2. The Democrats are excellent at putting out partywide talking points and sticking to them. They have ratcheted up the shrieking to 11. Everything that they don’t like is now Jim Crow or “Jim Crow on Steroids.”

    No different than AOC making illegal immigrant detention centers into Concentration Camps.

    Jim Crow stopped black people form voting with police dogs and fire hoses, this requires a drivers license.

    Here is to hoping that they are overplaying their hand with this level of histrionics.

  3. The more the Democrats rail against Jim Crow, the more convinced I am that they are going to bring it right back as an “anti-racism” measure.

    We’re already officially moving back to ‘separate but equal’ in schools. Next will be special set aside restaurants, housing, businesses*, and water fountains to protect them from the evils of toxic whiteness.

    With that, they’ll probably remove their right to vote as well, lest they be deceived into voting for those horrible Republicans. Instead, they’ll take a count, and automatically give those votes to the Democrats.

    *not so much that the Democrats would let them start and own small businesses, but that GlobComHugeCorp will have a special BIPOC’s Only section.

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