Over the last decade the intelligence apparatus of police departments that tries to anticipate and track the movements of antifa or anarchists has diminished, according to multiple senior law enforcement officers.

Law enforcement officials said that as the terrorism threat has impacted more of the country, police agencies have redirected their focus on foreign terror groups and terror acts that those foreign terror groups seek to inspire in the United States. As a result, the breadth of understanding of these anti-fascist and anarchist groups is not robust.

Police describe anarchists’ extensive prep for violence, including ‘bicycle scouts’


You were told just a week ago that the real and imminent threat was the Conservatives, the Gun Owners and the Alt-Right (still haven’t figured who they are). You prepared and studied and made plans on people that offered zero threat, but it was what the “experts” from the Obama administration kept saying were going to cause chaos in the country.

I hate to keep bringing Seattle, but if there was a center to study the real problem, that city is it. Holy hell, we have been following them for a long frigging while now and we advanced the notion that the assholes in black would be causing mayhem in the country.

But no, that was not the official narrative. Antifa are the good guys, hell even Seattle Gov supports them!

Not all the major cities got caught with their undies down and asses flowing in the air. Miami Dade county had its dance with Antifa yesterday and Broward County, specifically Ft. Lauderdale had to deal with them and by Mars they did. There was some vandalism, but it was a pittance compared with what has been happening in the great Cities up north and west. Even bonafide protesters were tired of their crap and stopped Antifa assholes and other accomplices from doing more damage.

So yes, many police departments have now to catch up and learn about this new Domestic Enemy, and they better learn fast. The first thing they should ask is to drop any orders that demand the public to wear masks in public and then aim for the heads of those dressed in the Antifa Uniform.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “No Bubba, you were given a false threat.”
  1. I’m getting to the point where I feel these rioters should be given the same treatment Ralph Peters said we should give to ISIS. I’m do not support authoritarianism but at this point I do not believe these riots are going to end until these rioters realize if they can be shot and killed. In very large numbers. By private citizens. When the police stand down the governors should just say it is now legal for citizens to protect their businesses and themselves and it is legal to shoot and kill looters and rioters. But of course these are mostly blue States and far left cities. The mayors and governors don’t want to do anything. They WANT this. Why? Because democrats HATE America, HATE the American people and HATE Trump. They want human suffering they want destruction because of their irrational hatred of America and they also feel in their twisted minds that this will actually hurt Trump getting reelected. They view this as a mechanism to help further their goal of far left liberal utopia.

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