The Guns of John Moses Browning. Click on image for really BIG size pic.
5 thoughts on “No Gun Motivator of the Week, instead we bring you:”
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Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
The Guns of John Moses Browning. Click on image for really BIG size pic.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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In truth, that is not 10% of what J.M.Browning did. Had he wished to use his patent rights ,he could have shut down weapons innovation for generations. Almost every firearm of the 20th century used one or more of his patents.
For the life of me, there is only two reasons why I can’t use this as my wallpaper:
A rabbit and a ship.
Although the rabbit is using an M1911-style race gun I wouldn’t mind making and displaying/using.
o_O Remington Model 17 is a Semi Automatic Rifle?
Great poster! Ideal to be mounted on your armory wall that faces Ogden for the call to prayer!
The Medal of Honor pictured is an Army Medal Of Honor. Shouldn’t it be a Navy Medal of Honor for the two Marines?