I realize it’s been a little while since I wrote a post about just how much I hate Lefty Jews, so let’s dig in.

Yes, yes it absolutely fucking is.  Why are we even having this conversation.

Many people find it offensive to use the Holocaust as a yardstick for the political excesses of the last four years that culminated in the storming of Washington on Jan. 6. They believe that to mention Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler in the same breath, as Spike Lee did on Sunday in an awards speech, disrespects the millions of innocent victims and survivors, diminishing the enormity of the Nazis’ crimes.

Yes, it is offensive.  Absolutely so.

As a son of Holocaust survivors and a grandson of four murdered Jews, I might be expected to agree. But I do not.

Because this guy is a lefty piece of shit and his parents should be ashamed of him.

If you want to read all the erroneous assertions this guy makes, you can.  I’ve had enough and it makes me want to vomit.

Suffice it to say, his conclusion is (paraphrased) “Trump didn’t actually do the things that Hitler did, but I am going to casually link Trump to Hitler with obtuse platitudes about ‘the darker side of human nature.'”

*Italicized text in the original.

The fact that Trump left office without half a million allied casualties is proof enough.

For the people who want to make the fallacious argument that “we stopped him before he got to that level,” show me the email chain from Ivanka, Jarred, and Stephen Miller where they have their own Wannsee Conference in Trump Tower.

“Anybody that I don’t like on the Right is Hitler” is a disgusting and bad faith argument.

For it to be made by the Jewish son of Holocaust survivors on Holocaust Memorial Day is a fucking shanda.



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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “No it’s not and this guy is an a**hole – Holocaust Memorial Day edition”
  1. The people who think the Nazis were right wing are using Stalin as the center of their political spectrum.

    1. Stalin and Hitler were two peas in a pod, until Hitler forgot the lesson of Napoleon and tried to stab his supposed friend in the back.

    2. Stalin and Lenin were INTERNATIONAL Socialists. They mouthed the platitudes that every one in the World were equal, and the Russian Led COMINTERN would lead every one to a Marxist Communist Utopia.

      Mussolini was an International Socialist before he broke with them to patriotically support his own home country Italy in WWI, and called his Socialist movement FASCISM.

      HITLER was a NATIONAL Socialist. He belived in German People and Germany First.
      NAZI is a German abbreviation for National Socialist German Workers Party (NASDAP).

      No matter what you call them, Nazis and Communists were all Totalitarian Dictatorships that crushed Individual Freedoms and murdered their own people.

      Just like Communist China and North Korea are doing today.

  2. And he and his “fellow travelers” are using the “Big Lie” technique perfected by Nazi Goebbles and Mussolini’s Fascists and Stalin’s henchmen.
    They don’t, can’t, or won’t acknowledge that their god, socialism, is just another version of “national Socialism” (Nazis and Fascists) and international Socialism (Communism).
    They want their Socialism so bad that they need to demonize the American Dream, and Donald Trump needs to be demonized as the focus of opposition to Socialism.
    And their petty little minds can’t even comprehend how stupid they sound, comparing Trump to nazi swine.

    Makes me sick.

  3. “‘the darker side of human nature.'”

    Which means everyone is the equivalent to Hitler.

    Or, Trump is no more like Hitler than the author of this piece is.

  4. Meanwhile, people like the twitter author completely ignore the national socialism as expressed by their democratic party.

    As to comparing Trump to Hitler, sure, allow it, as long as you are truthful about the comparison

    Trump – likes and admires Israel, has a Jewish daughter, son-in-law, grandbabies.

    Hitler – not so much.

    Trump – Wants to continue removing regulations on businesses and getting the government out of control of business.

    Hitler – not so much (national socialism and fascism being state control of business.)

    Trump – wants to fix healthcare by removing government controls, and allowing people to live.

    Hitler – not so much, has a great plan for taking care of sick people…

    Trump – God is great!

    Hitler – I am great, Me, my, ur, um..

    Trump – Love me a meat sandwich!

    Hitler – not so much…

    Trump – My bestest babe has a cute European accent!

    Hitler – So does mine! OMG Trump is just like ME!!! SQUEEEEEE!!!!

    Yeah, Worst Hitler EVER.

    Seriously, yes, you can compare Anyone to Hitler. If you are truthful. Just like you can compare products on the shelf. That flat of vegetable meat substitute can be compared to a nice, juicy porterhouse. But I know which one I want.

    1. @Beans: This would be funnier if it wasn’t so true.

      I’m reminded of the lame joke about Trump having a salad with Russian dressing…

    2. That would actually be much funnier, and more accurate if you included Obama/Biden/Hillary/AOC in that comparison. Would not be too difficult, Just add their names on the Hitler line.

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