Another nail in the coffin of the US military and national security.

We still have the best equipment in the world.  That is one of our tactical advantages.  It is a force multiplier.

Not any more.

Go ahead and purge the Trump voters from the ranks of cleared contractors.

Kiss the hypersonic program goodbye.   No more missile defense system.  Advanced combat aircraft.  The whole of the small arms and ammunition R&D.

Shut down half of Huntsville while you’re at it.

How many people with pronouns in their bio are lining up to make first strike weapons?


Our woke military is going to be equipped with aging and obsolete equipment.

Cynical me says they don’t care.  China, Russia, and Iran are not our real enemies.  The American people are.  The Administration isn’t worried about Chinese ballistic missiles because they will let China have Taiwan.  The current generation of military technology is more than sufficient for combat against American civilians which AR-15s, so they don’t need anything more advanced and can shunt the DOD R&D budget over to green energy boondoggles.

I’m so glad I’m getting out of contracting into the civilian world before I get asked who I voted for in order to get put on a project.


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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “No more technical superiority for the US military either”
  1. And of course answering: “We have a secret ballot, so no, I don’t have to tell you.” will automatically get you denied. If you answer I proudly voted for Biden, you internet history, private conversations, political donations, etc. will be scrutinized, and you’ll be denied for lying.

  2. Foreign Troops on US Soil before the next Presidential Election.

    It won’t be an invasion because they’ll have been invited, using the 4 hours of misdemeanor trespass on Jan 6 as an excuse.

  3. The problem with leftists, as I repeatedly say, is they are children. They have no idea that human society is a complex system of interconnected subsystems, comprised of interconnected parts.

    in their childish reasoning, they can change any part of that system and the remainder of it will work perfectly. It is apparent in everything they do. Get rid of the petroleum industry without a thought that the entirety of modern society is reliant on it. Math is racist, get rid or it, without a thought that math is required to keep the machines running, etc… etc… etc….

    And, now, get rid of anyone who supported the America First attitude of Trump, without thinking it will adversely impact anything other than their political goals.

  4. Teach the Children Well.

    Not (just) politics.


    Teach them to be a rebel. Teens are natural rebels, so help them channel it into productive pursuits.

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