Remember, this piece of shit won a Nobel Prize.

Now he’s cheering on the deaths of the elderly in Florida from a horrible disease because of Trump and one video.

Somewhere in hell Yasser Arafat is disappointed that he’s no longer the worst human being ever to be given that award.



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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Nobel Prize winning piece of sh*t”
  1. Well, *THAT* certainly makes things simpler!

    Nobel prize = world class piece of manure vs world class imbecile.

    Differientation based upon context.

  2. Aside from publishing a paper about international money markets/movements, has Krugman actually done anything worth talking about?

    Anyone? Anyone?

  3. The video is fake news. The man in the video was faced with a group of people screaming at him, calling him a racist and asking him where his white hood was. He responded in a sarcastic tone, “Yep, you got me, I’m a racist. White Power!”

    The video was edited to make it look like he wasn’t responding to the crowd.

  4. And the linked article opens with a complete lie. “Florida is reporting an unprecedented number of Covid-19 cases….”

    Ummm…. New York hit those numbers months ago, in the first couple weeks of the pandemic. They are hardly unprecedented.

    Sadly, that type of reporting is not unprecedented, either.

  5. Isn’t this POS official title, “Former ENRON Economic Advisor and NYT Pulitzer Prize winning?”

  6. So, when Krugman becomes a geezer, as I am, will he be a white supremacists, as well?

    At what point do people otherwise of good faith simply shrug, and say/ do “F*** it, I’m a racist!” (BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!…)

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