This from CNN:

Every single person in a civil society should expect law and order to be maintained by the government.  That is the social contract that we sign to avoid vigilantism and street justice.  It is one of things that separates a First World society like our from being a Third World shithole.

Some of us understand that the police can’t always be there and we need to be able to defend ourselves. However we’d all much rather call the cops than shoot it out with the bad guy in our livingroom.

For the radical Leftists, expecting to be safe in your own home and having the cops respond to an emergency when you call is a privilege.

Privileges must be done away with.

Rather than improve the police so everyone of every race feels comfortable calling the cops in an emergency, nobody should feel safe.

Having your house broken into and robbed while you cower in fear in your closet, or worse, get beaten or murdered, is just social justice that eliminates your white privilege.

I wonder how the feminists movement feels that the logical extension of this is that it’s white privilege for a woman not to be violently raped be home invaders?

Who am I kidding, the feminist movement sold out white women for intersectionality a few years back.

Nobody is coming to help you because helping you is an exercise in white privilege.  Leaving you to a violent violation and death is social justice.

You’ve been warned.

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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “Nobody is coming to help you because you need to check your privilege”
  1. We rightly praise and rely on our “first responders” when the world goes brown and they brave the hazards to rescue and protect us. However, until they can get to the scene and do their thing, the victims are their own “first responders.” Much of our first response planning relies on defending our lives, our families and our homes until the professionals can take over. With the movement to remove police protection from our neighborhoods we need to rethink how long we need to hold out. If I lived in a community where the local government is going to abandon me to the barbarians, yet continue to extort taxes from me, I would find somewhere else to live.

    1. When you leave and take your tax dollars with you because you refuse to pay into a system that does not benefit you in any way, your exit will be denounced as white flight and racist.

      1. What will the property value be? Who will want to buy a house in a town that is being “protected” by BLM?

        1. At some point you decide to eat the loss and leave ayway. Gains and losses don’t matter to you when you’re dead and the house is burned down.

          1. Maybe it would be better if you let them burn it down and collect the insurance. That is why I think it’s just a matter of time before insurance companies will refuse to cover any homes in that area.

  2. This is how insurgencies work- you convince the public that the government cannot provide basic services. Then you come along and provide that service. Soon, people rely on you more than on the government. Then it is easy to overthrow that government.

    1. This.

      The communist playbook after WWII included breaking the cities. After enough of a period of lawlessness, people want a strong leader. A strongman dictator takes over.

  3. Anybody else get the feeling Minneapolis is going to quickly become a “no go zone”?

  4. I can certainly see the agenda- BUT – has this agenda worked in any place that had an equivalent of the Second Amendment? My thought is this – the rest of that phrase is usually “No one is coming- it’s up to US”. and ther are more of us ( armed, prepared and pissed off) than there are of them. So with no police to call on, why would we not handle criminal activity with forceful and armed response, in whatever degree we deem appropriate? Why would we not stack bodies in case of riots, bag the bodies of any would be home invaders, terminate any rapists? Who would arrest us? I see the police as the barrier between chaos and order, and in the case of chaos, we – the heavily armed and mentally prepared – will be the prevailing force.

  5. To paraphrase my last comment on this matter:

    “You get a vigilante death squad, and you get a vigilante death squad, everyone gets vigilante death squads!”

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