The Killhouse Rules are so true.

The members of the Minneapolis City Council should be mindful that numerous other law enforcement agencies have responded to support them, to restore order, to protect their citizens and to return peace to their city during recent tragic days. We did this while joining our communities in disgust over the way in which George Floyd lost his life and in hopes of a stronger, unified future.
There are clearly concerns to be addressed and areas to be fixed.
However, If they choose to eliminate their police department through defunding operations without a realistic plan, they must also choose to live with the consequences of their decisions. We are one of many agencies who have no appetite for going back to their city to restore order again; especially if their decision is to actively compromise the safety of the city.
Cooler heads who seek actual answers while working with their community will find realistic answers. Those who embrace impulsive actions must live with the consequences and I think we have all suffered enough from a variety of bad decisions.

This is a warning that will be ignored. And really, I am to the point I want them to do it so the rest of the country sees in reality what is gonna happen when the predators are let loose and anarchy is the governance of the land.

I personally would be packing and taking my family outside the city, preferable the state before things got “technical.”


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on ““Nobody is coming to save you””
  1. Random thought this morning: “defunding the police” amounts to abrogating their union contracts. How would a union-supporting Democrat politician explain that?

  2. Amazing how “defunding police” will cure everything… how about defunding politicians

    1. That Sheriff sounds a lot like all those agencies in Oregon canceling their agreements with Portland after the previous round of left wing rioting.

  3. I wonder if the city council members can be sued or charged with malfeasance of office for endangering the citizens

  4. Gee…. toddler logic strikes again. “If we change this one thing (eliminate the local police) nothing else will change (we can call in the State police and get their services for free, right???)”

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