Wow, I am amazed at the bravery and conviction of the BLM “warriors who faced such a hotbed of White Supremacy as a multiracial Baptist church. Did you see how they fearless went after the little kids? You know them suckers are truly assassins’ deep inside, deadly motherlovers if you take away their sippy cups.

Next, they should try to go after paraplegics, I hear they are also as dangerous and most definitely MAGA people.

/sarcasm off>

Ladies and gents, look at the videos over and over: that is what scum looks like. That is what you can expect from the “revolutionaries” that want to rule you.

God bless the Pastor and the other church members that stood peacefully against  these goons.  Unfortunately, somebody needs to be less Christian with these “barve warriors.”

Hat Tip Bruce B.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Non-Approved religions will not be tolerated, Children will be harassed.”
  1. So, I’m confused.
    What exactly were they protesting about? Just looking for an audience? Why were they targeting that church? Targeting churches in general?
    Have these Marxist clowns descended into being against EVERYTHING now?

  2. I can’t wait to see these marxists assholes get their just desserts when they try to crowd the wrong person(s), specially when these commie dbags go after kids.

    A nice 5″ blade shoved up their crocked marxist noses or new bodily orifices created by a can of ballistic whup-ass would be a good start.

  3. The one fine gentleman with the bullhorn screaming “save those kids” needed to be tuned up by the same bullhorn but in different hands!!! I cannot take this crap anymore!!

  4. This is just another instance in a very long line of Leftist/SJW hypocrisy and double standards. They say congregating and singing and chanting are bad and will kill people whilst actively congregating and chanting, literally into other people’s faces, supposedly to save the children. If any of these idiots really believed the Statist BS why wouldn’t they simply stay home themselves?

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