Yesterday I shared the news that Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wanted fellow House members to share their “lived experience” of the January 6th riot on the floor of the House.

What a shit show that was.

ABC News was Tweeting snippets of the video from the Floor.

This man is a Democrat.  He is on the verge of tears, confessing his white privilege and apologizing that fellow Democrats of color stand out because of the color of their skin.

This is the modern version of what Chinese dissidents were forced to confess during a struggle session.

This is woke, solipsistic, gibberish.  You cannot question another person’s experience.  No matter how disconnected from factual reality it is, whatever a national leader feels is equally valid and cannot be questioned.

Shelia Jackson Lee is one of the dumbest, most corrupt, and racist members of Congress in the history of Congress.

According to her, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez has her freedom of speech not to be questioned about her grandstanding bullshit, but you don’t have the freedom of speech because that makes you a domestic terrorist.

Rashida Tlaib brings Pallywood to Washington.  Death threats are not acceptable but now seems like a good time to remind everyone that she brought a Hezbollah recruiter to her office for pictures.

If you don’t validate their feelings, you are belittling survivors everywhere.

The term survivor has drifted.  Steve Scalise is a survivor, he survived taking a bullet.  Someone buried in rubble after a bombing and rescued is a survivor.

Hiding in a bathroom in a building that was not breached, almost half a mile from a riot is does not a survivor make.  These are not equal.  But now the standard is if you question that, you are silencing actual people who experienced an actual life-threatening injury.

As far as I have read, there was no attempt at singling out members of Congress for their skin color.  This is a lie.  The primary target, as far as I am aware, was Mike Pence, the whitest of white males, because he refused to not-certify the Electoral College votes.  I may be wrong, but AOC is making this into a racist hit mob and then extending that generalization to all of America.

This whole event was an obscenity of narcissism being used as a brickbat to bash the Right and America.

I thought Congress having a sit-in for gun control was a rock bottom low of childish behavior, but this broke through that floor like a bunker buster.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Nonsensical blubbering on the House floor”
  1. “Accountability for the bloodshed” would mean making all the facts about the shooting of Ashli Babbit public, rather than just an anonymous leaker stating the officer involved has been cleared.

    Everyone else who died that day appears to have died either from the crush of the crowd or from existing heart issues being triggered. The press has even admitted there’s no evidence their preferred martyr was attacked.

    More people died at a Who concert in Cincinnati than died at the Capitol; more people were killed during the summer’s rioting. The only difference is that the most spoiled, pampered, and corrupt part of the country felt a little fear — and for that, they’re demanding a national purge.

  2. Never underestimate how childish, churlish and spiteful the Dems can be. Whether making speeches or making laws.

  3. What I don’t understand is why no congress critter gets up and defends the American people in public. Yes, it’s career suicide, but if any one of them stated that they understand why the People are so frustrated at their government for this clearly defined list of very specific reasons that really need to be addressed… that critter would gain unbelievable support and loyalty as long as they never backed down.

    That was why Trump won in the first place; he (at least pretended to) stood up for the People and was unapologetic about it. The support he gained through that continues to this day despite a lot of reasons it should have been lost over time.

    But alas, it ain’t gonna happen anytime soon. The lies are too strong right now.

  4. What a bunch of pansies. These people definitely couldn’t survive Black Friday at Walmart. Or is it Friday of Color at Walmart? Whatever.

    Actually, I can’t tell if they’re pansies or Machiavellians pandering to pansies.

    I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  5. I managed to avoid watching this. Was tough, had to watch paint dry instead.

    But, did anyone who is not clearly a radical left wing progressive woke nutjob actually say anything? Or was this just handing the floor of the House over to a bunch of toddlers for the purpose of bashing anyone not on their side of the political aisle?

  6. OMFG!

    Up here in Canada we actually had a real armed terrorist (or at least an Islamist extremest nutjob), attempt to storm our parliament after shooting a soldier guarding our war memorial.

    Our politicians are just as useless as anyone’s’, but none of them did this whiny BS!. They barricaded the door, and grabbed ceremonial flagstaffs, (which had a nice pointy brass maple leaf as a finial), and prepared to do battle! Even the liberal ones! Far more backbone than these posturing ninnies!

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