What do you get when you get a bunch of Liberals who need to ignore the rampant sexual crimes within their industry and need to deflect criticism?  You let them create another Gun Control group!

It is supposed to be No NRA, but they figured that No Riffle Association was cooler. I disagree, but we will address that later.

Here is their “manifesto” and if you care to read it, it is full of angry bullshit and threats while claiming they are peaceful. I call it the Dancing Monkeys Tour NoRA manifesto.  You will also find the list of Dancing Mon…er…celebrities who joined the cause.

They are supposed to go to Dallas during the NRA Annual Meeting. I do believe they may go to Dallas, not in the numbers they think. There are only 467 Likes and 500 follows in Facebook with 3,200 followers in Twitter. How many are Gun Owners just keeping in check with what they say is unknown at this time). Will they go and protest inside the convention center? Possibly a couple of idiots will try, and those will be the ones with a bunch of cameras trailing them and their armed security personnel trailing them.

Then again, it is very probably that following previous groups, a handful of people will hold some sort of meeting in a public place, well away from the AM and make it look like it was 100K people right across the street.

And I just wanted to add a bit of music to this post:

But your shrivelled onion made a fool of you
Like a straw babboon in an empty zoo

It’s about time I lent you my salad bowl
Come on ugly Nora (Nora, come on)
Come on ugly Nora (Nora, come on)
Hideous Nora, I wanna see your jellies roll

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “NoRA: A Dancing Monkey Tour for Gun Control.”
  1. Are those supposed to be well known people? I think I recognized 3 names, all of them known bad guys (such as Alec Baldwin and Michael Moore).

  2. Bunch of drug-abusing, sexually deviant, pathologically lying, 1-percenter pedophiles are gonna tell us how to “behave?”

    Ha! That’s precious.

    Bless their little putrid dark hearts. 😀

      1. “because they prefer that the fathers, and uncles, of their victims be disarmed. For predator protection”

        lest they be shot in the crotch

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