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First of all, McMaster did not say that Trump was partnering with the 9/11 co-conspirators.

Second, the Russian bounty thing has been proven to be false.  There was no evidence of it, no corroboration for it, and no US casualties that could be connected to it.

There was a rumor, it was never confirmed or corroborated, so it was dismissed as another bit of false intel.  That was leaked to the media and turned into an anti-Trump weapon with no basis in fact.

Lastly, and most importantly, if we follow McMaster’s logic, ISIS and the current Taliban are battle hardened warriors, worse than the Mujahadeen veterans of the original Taliban, so we must stay there and fight them.

But they are battle hardened warriors precicnely because they have been fighting us for 19 years.  They are better equipped because they have been given advanced weapons by the Iranians who are using ISIS and the Taliban as proxies to attack us.

So we have to stay in Afghanistan to fight battle hardened warriors who are battle hardened because they have been fighting us for two decades.

Thtat’s circular logic.

We already lost 2,372 people and20,320 more wounded.  We don’t owe it to anyone to stay there and continue to fight and lose limbs and lives to perpetuate circular reasoning.

It’s time to pull out of that God-forsaken shithole.

And if a stronger Taliban committing more 9/11s is really fear worthy of justifying the US being there in perpituaity, than that is ample justification for glassing the entire country once the last American boot has lifted off the ground to a safe distance and leaving nothing but radioactive rubble behind us.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Not falling for circular logic is treason”
  1. Is this the same McMaster who had so little regard for the nation’s security that he took highly classified documents home with him to write his memoirs, and coincidently share with his ghost writer/lover?

  2. Funny how the left spent years whining about the war in Afghanistan and demanding we pull out and leave those “heroic Muslim freedom fighters” alone in peace, bitching about “US aggression” and how we started a war for oil, a war that is daily killing Afghans who don’t even want us in their country, etc, etc. Now Trump is in office and willing to be open minded and say “look, we’re sick of this, you’re sick of this, we can’t win this war, you can’t win this war, so let’s just give it up, huh?”, now suddenly it’s evil and treasonous and probably racist to even THINK about leaving. So by the logic of the left, our leaving Vietnam was actually a huge mistake, and we should have stayed there fighting a war for another 10 years, lest we “diminish the sacrifice of our brave soldiers”? Most of those Brave Soldiers were totally in favor of leaving Vietnam and going home. I’m not saying that leaving WAS the right thing to do, but that’s certainly what the left has been saying for decades. They were the ones who FORCED us to leave, by weakening and dissolving public morale and will to fight, by siding with the Communists. Now they apparently think it’s our DUTY to stay in Afghanistan fighting an even longer, even more unwinnable counterinsurgency, based on the fallacious argument that “we can’t stop sacrificing our soldier’s lives, because it would diminish the sacrifice of those who went before!” That has been roundly disproven (as far as it CAN be disproven) by numerous philosophers and thinkers. If the Afghan government is STILL not able to contain the Taliban and govern their own nation, and STILL too weak to even provide the basic fundamental services of a government, they never ARE going to be strong enough to govern themselves. The Taliban is not going to go away if we just give the government enough time to appease them and “bring them around to reason”. The only possible way to defeat them is to go in with overwhelming, crushing force, collateral damage be damned, and hunt them down until they organization is extinct. Clearly we are not about to do that. So that leaves us in the position of propping up the “National Government” of Afghanistan perpetually and providing the defense they are unable to provide for themselves.
    It is obvious that the people in Afghanistan do not support the “government”, they support the Taliban, or it never would have been as successful as they have been. We’re trying to prop up an artificial, unpopular “government” in the hopes that someday they will win the people over and reject the Taliban. When? Ten more years? 20? Fifty? And we can NEVER STOP, since the longer we are there, the more American soldiers die, which means it’s that much more impossible to ever extricate yourself. See the problem with this logic? It only works if you can and will go in and do whatever it takes to win victory. Otherwise it’s a bullshit trap, a fallacy. If the people of Afghanistan overwhelmingly want the Taliban (and obviously they do, regardless of what the media says), then I’m fine with that. I don’t care if they prefer to live in the Dark Ages (hell, we’ll be keeping them company within ten years at the rate we’re going, thanks Antifa!)

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