We have two cases

(Cue dramatic music.)

Was William Brown an Open-Carry Casualty?

“He shot at the other guy first. Apparently he missed, then the other guy returned fire striking him about 12 times. It’s not for me to judge the amount of rounds that were fired. I don’t know if the amount of times he fired his weapon is of any circumstance at this point,” Vance told WLBT-TV’s Cheryl Lasseter.

via Was William Brown an Open-Carry Casualty? | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS.

Sounds more like he was the victim of self-inflicted idiocy and lack of accuracy. But that obvious fact sort of interferes with the intention of the writer to come down on Open Carry which has to be the true evil.

And then we have:

ROME, Maine (WGME) — State Police say 44-year-old Christopher Dennison is an intruder but we caught up with Dennison’s family at his home in Livermore Falls and they say he’s no criminal, just a dad trying to help his family make ends meet.

“He didn’t deserve to die,” said his wife Cherie Thibault. “I know he shouldn’t have did what he did, but he did it for us.”

Thibault and her son Jesse tell CBS 13 News they knew what Dennison was doing in Rome Saturday night.

This guy approached him on going to scare, possibly beat, up, not kill somebody, and he would pay him, and pay him quite a bit of money,” she explained…

….Police say Dennison, wearing a black ski mask and armed with brass knuckles, burst through the front door at about 8 p.m. Saturday and that’s when the homeowner, Richard Duffy, fought back.

“The homeowner was armed, fired shots, and Dennison died of multiple gunshot wounds,” McCausland said.

via WGME 13 – News – Intruder shot to death in Maine home invasion. (H/T to Guns Save Lives)

(Cue sorrowful music)
In an economy as bad as we are having, we should understand and support when some low life decides to actually get up and do a job. And we should not be all uppity and criticize it just because it is illegal and can cause grave bodily damage or even death to the intended target…… I think I am about to have a stroke or at least a nasty migraine.

And the worst part is that they are not coming up with a lame excuse or trying to appear stupid: They firmly believe in what they are saying. We are now collecting on decades of lack of personal responsibility and not applying the proper correctives but giving everybody “another chance” so the concept of consequences is diminished to almost nothing…till the consequences become extreme as in dying for being stupid.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Not his fault…..and not his fault either”
  1. It’s never the criminal’s fault It is always the fault of the gun owner who shot back That is the Socialist Way

  2. I almost don’t believe the second one. They actually think it would be OK to assault somebody for money? And the victim isn’t supposed to defend themselves, since he’s only getting beat up a little?

  3. The William Brown one is basically how it works in the MMORPG, EVE Online(which I’ve always thought was a decent policy.)

    If you are caught taking aggressive action with somebody, they get the right to shoot at you.

    And so do all of their friends.

    This applies even if you were caught looting the wreck of somebody else who they just killed.

    In the second… Cherie Thibault needs to be mugged and see how she likes it before she starts talking about how it’s no big deal.

  4. People need to realize that life is not a movie; they are not some romanticily tragic anti-hero forced to do bad things for their family, cursed to carry the guilt of their actions as their punishment for the rest of their earthly days with only the love of their women to help ease it. In the real world people who burst through a homeowner’s door at night, wearing a ski mask, and carrying a weapon run a very high risk of getting shot were they stand. The homeowner will not look into their tortured eyes, instantly understanding the torment and guilt of the inturder, making them instantly willing to take their “merciful” beating thanks to the bond they now share.

    1. There is another “movie myth” that effect the public opinion on this case and many like it (e.g. Trayvon Martin).


      I’m tired of action moves where the hero and big-burly villain punch each other a lot, maybe someone passes out, and then they wake up and start running again. A hit to the head hard enough to cause a few seconds of blackout is a trip to the ER and an MRI. “Getting beat up a little” doesn’t exist. You don’t get an ice pack and pep talk. You get your skull x-rayed and put in observation. People have been killed with one punch. Throw in a set of brass knuckles and Mr. Homeowner’s family is paying for a funeral or a lifetime of care for brain damage.

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