… but it if fucking quacks, you best be ready.

During his address at Howard University’s commencement on Saturday (May 13), President Biden used the podium to assert that white supremacy is “the most dangerous terrorist threat” to America.

“I don’t have to tell you that progress towards justice often meets ferocious pushback from the oldest and most sinister of forces,” Biden stated. “That’s because hate never goes away.”

Here’s Why Biden Calling White Supremacy America’s ‘Most Dangerous Terrorist Threat’ Is Important (yahoo.com)

And then via Area Ocho, I find out thirty tons of ammonium nitrate has gone missing from a railcar in California.

Update your bingo cards accordingly.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Not saying that there is a False Flag coming….”
  1. Do some research….. a fertilizer fuel device isnt that powerful….. yes it goes boom. 1995 wasn’t one of those. Still, IF a hopper door wasn’t “properly secured “ how could one door lose a whole car load…unless the car only had one.. makes ya go “hhhmmm”

  2. “I don’t have to tell you that progress towards justice often meets ferocious pushback from the oldest and most sinister of forces,”
    Like avarice, greed, and the lust for power. You know, the traits that the Demoncrats demonstrate daily. Things like accusing your political rivals of being terrorists simply because they have a different path to making America great than you do. And, then weaponizing the legal system of the country against them.
    Progress toward justice means different things to different people. Neither are 100% correct, neither are wrong.

  3. Ammonium Nitrate has a long history of explosive use. Discovered by Fritz Haber in 1908, who used iodine as a fixing agent, and mass produced with a method developed by Carl Bosch in 1913 it was found this wonderful fertilizer could be also a powerful explosive. Both men received Nobel Prizes for their work: Haber in 1918. Bosch in 1931.


    THIS is what 30 tons of the stuff will do. The blast was heard in London and felt in Switzerland.


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