While the stated goal for Sharpton was to bring the many different groups together to discuss solutions to the city’s violence epidemic, he may not have gotten the types of responses he was looking for. Calls for more gun control laws and getting guns off the streets were nonexistent and not mentioned by residents throughout the session.

Instead, attendees offered solutions addressing the problems facing their community as a whole rather than just taking on “gun violence” itself. Audience members addressed the need for jobs and solving the foreclosure crisis plaguing Chicago’s south and west sides. Perhaps the loudest message—and one that Reverend Al or the Chicago media have yet to report on—echoed by several different people in attendance as well as panel members was that it is time for the black community to start voting differently.

via Al Sharpton’s Chicago Town Hall Erupts into Revolt Against Machine Politics.

From your lips to God’s ears. Patience is wearing thin and the bodies keep piling up. They do have an uphill battle as the Powers that be will not allow a revolution easily.
And Concealed Carry applications begin in less than 2 weeks for Illinois…

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Not what Sharpton and other Anti Gunners were expecting.”
  1. Man remains obsessed with a fantasy to control violence. I submit that such will NEVER happen. New laws, more laws are not a solution. The only people that obey all these new laws are those who have by choice made a conscious decision to do so. Typically, laws offer little other than a guideline to punish a criminal AFTER the crime has taken place.

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