The next round of Collective Guilt is out the door.
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – According to a new report from OceansAsia, a conservation group, 1.56 billion single-use face masks will have entered oceans by the end of 2020. While plastic consumption has steadily risen through the years, researchers said the pandemic significantly increased usage and demand.
Estimated 1.56 billion face masks to enter oceans in 2020, experts say they saw it coming
The experts saw it coming so they either were shut down or they went along with the Medical Fascism because it was convenient to them in the future.
Now, will that billion and a half mask enter the oceans? Unless they levitate in their own, I doubt it pretty much in this side of the World. That it will start showing up in other places where trash is just dumped purposely in the oceans? No doubt, but they do not give a crap about guilt trips and they know it, so they try on the folks in the US and Europe with a First World living standard.
And that also brings an interesting question: If we are living through a deadly pandemic with such a dangerous virus, how come a Biohazard disposal campaign was ever created?
How come we do not see bags like this in business and government locations everywhere so masks and gloves could be collected and incinerated? Either Wuhan V is a deadly disease that forced governments to shut countries because there was no other solution, or we are being bamboozled into believing a respiratory virus is a biological asteroid about to wipe human life on Earth.
Hat Tip MortarGirl
You can never win with these people. Only winning move is not to play at all.
Not to worry, our future
PresidentChinese Overseer will save the oceans by mandating masks even after everyone is vaccinated.. Oh, and also keeping his Chinese master’sworkersslaves employed.Funny how state dictaters mandated nasks in july yet right around the election(farce) ZOMG covid is spiking!!!!! Put on a mask!! ….. walk around ANY parking lot, used masks discarded like used condoms and needles. Nasty. SOMEDAY America will wake up…
One fun bit about all of this panicdemic. Everything the leftists push for seems to have been tossed out the window.
Stop using throw away grocery bags, get a durable/reusable bag. No, those carry germs, use throw away bags now.
Get rid of your car, use mass transit. No, get off the buses and subways, they are super spreaders.
You are just a bunch of rednecks wanting to live in the suburbs. Move to the city where you footprint is so much lower. Get out of the cities, they are too crowded and COVID will kill you.
And, now…
Wear a mask everywhere. Stop wearing masks they are polluting the oceans.
Just as soon as you get used to the song, they will change the tune.
On a semi related note:
For months, the meme was Operation Warp Speed would never get a vaccine out before the end of the year. Just saw a headline this morning, “Operation Warp Speed is not fast enough.”
Dead J is correct. There is no way to win when the rules are hidden, and they change all the time. Best way to beat them is to not play.
“Now that a vaccine is available…”
… the goalposts will be moved again.
We’ve gone from “15 days to slow the spread” to “45 days to flatten the curve” to “We’ll open up when the numbers go down” to “We’ll open up when a vaccine is available” to “We’ll open up when enough of the community is vaccinated”.
That last, which is where we’re at in Oregon, they say could take 10 more months (that’s 10 more months on top of the 10 we’ve already been locked down).
I’m wondering where the goalposts will end up once 75% of the state is vaccinated (which is the stated threshold for “community immunity”). 90%, maybe? 100%, and to Hell with your religious/moral/medical exemptions? I doubt Our Glorious Governor Kate Brown will be willing to relinquish her emergency powers if there’s a possibility of extending the crisis further.