When Trump was President, Governor Cuomo was his foil.  Cuomo was “America’s Governor” and the media’s alt-POTUS.  He got an Emmy for lying to the people of New York and praise for how he mishandled the state.

Now Biden is President.  Cuomo can’t go around stealing his thunder.

Cuomo has to be unpersoned so that he isn’t a Threat to BidenHarris.

Now the data can come out about how bad Cuomo’s policy was and how he lied to the people of New York, hiding COVID death numbers to make it see like he was doing better than he was.

Turns out Cuomo wasn’t as important as he thought and now that Trump is no longer President his political career is going to take an ice axe to the back of the skull.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Now that Trump is no longer in office Cuomo gets thrown under the bus”
  1. As predicted, they are beginning to eat their own.

    Hopefully, this will distract them in their efforts to dehumanize conservatives.

  2. Cuomo be like, “Doesn’t the Attorney General have a civil rights organization to sue, or something?”

    Still, the schadenfreude is particularly sweet today. 🙂

  3. The NYAG smells blood in the water. She’s probably trying to position herself for a run for Governor in 2022. She’s a Marxist lunatic, of course, but it’s still incredibly satisfying seeing her do this to Cuomo. Can Cuomo attack her like he attacks everyone else? I hope he tries. She’s a black woman, the rest of the bottom feeding Democrats will pounce on Andrew and label him a racist woman hater. With pierced nipples.

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