After the purge of the military and federal government of Trump supporters and non-Biden loyalists, the government will turn it’s sights on the rest of us.

I guess Biden will create an American Commissariat for Internal Affairs to root out all the insurrectionist threats to his Presidency.

The speed at which this government has gone Jackboot is breathtaking.

If you thought the PATRIOT Act was bad, this is going to be so much worse.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Now that we are all suspects, we must be investigated”
  1. I’m wondering if this will become a Boris-quits-his-job-over-principles…before-he-gets-fired sort of affair.

    I hope not, but at this point I’m starting to think about contingencies.

  2. We all need to think of contingencies.. BUT remember kids- We the People FAR out number the biden bots.. they really start shiite with us it will not end well for them. Just chill yall. 75 MILLION Trumpers is a boat load of people.

  3. Ah, remember the libertarian principles enshrined in The Patriot Act? And the NDAA?

    Good times. I’m so old, I can remember when “making lists” was un-American!

  4. If ANYONE had pushed back against the “patriot” act we might not be here now. And granted that the current crop of Libertarians went hard left but the folks that remember what used to be the party are saying that we told you so since 1960fing8.

  5. A weapon is not sufficient in and of itself. What about arming your mind and spirit also? I say this because times like this and beyond can test all three. We are capable of setting traps and stepping in them too.

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