One day I have to sit down and write about the need that the intelligentsia and the Media have to make Miami and South Florida the Poconos of the South.  They secretly wish we would be more like New York than have our own identity, warts and all.

With that pro NYC bent, it is stands clearly the enormous bias against anything the Republicans do down here and specially Governor Ron DeSantis. If you were only fed what the Miami Herald and the Sun Sentinel were  saying about how the State Executive has dealt with the Wuhan Virus, you would be imagining we had bodies of the affected washing ashore Miami Beach like bales of cocaine dropped from fast boats, or piling up on the streets  in downtown .

If something both papers have been beating on was Wuhan deaths in Nursing homes. The State (stupidly IMHO) kept the numbers away from the media and they obviously jumped at the conspiracy theory to make a case about how shitty DeSantis was dealing with the Pandemic. Of course, they do not mention what kind of job Andrew Gillum would have done, but he as been memory holed at least for the foreseeable future.

The data was finally released. We have now a list of all facilities with cases detected and the list of deaths, also by facility.  As of May 3,  there were 423 deaths in Nursing homes in the state representing 32% of the deaths by the virus in the state since the whole thing started.

ZOMG! DeSantis hates abuelitos and wants them dead!

That was pretty much the reaction if you did not check the lists with care and notice all the nursing homes that had cases but not deaths and the huge list of homes without cases or deaths. Yes, it is in the links above, always check the source material. DeSantis is hated so even one death will be at least an attributable manslaughter to him.

So, I decided to ignore the local rags because for all the Pulitzers they get, they are not interested in the Truth but doing business and Propaganda for the Democrats. That was till J.Kb. last night sent me this:

Coronavirus News: More than 1,700 previously undisclosed deaths at NY nursing homes

What do you mean “previously undisclosed”? And what do you mean by 1,700 deaths? For the love of God, the whole state of Florida right now only has 1,539 deaths! How many people have died in NY nursing homes?

At least 4,813 people have died from COVID-19 in the state’s nursing homes since March 1, according to a tally released by Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration late Monday that, for the first time, includes people believed to have been killed by the coronavirus before their diagnoses could be confirmed by a lab test.

That is more than three times the number of overall deaths for Florida. , Again three times more people have died in nursing homes in NYC than the whole state of Florida.

Exactly how many nursing home residents have died remains uncertain despite the state’s latest disclosure, as the list doesn’t nursing home residents who were transferred to hospitals before dying.

That may explain how come Cuomo was trying to push infected patients in other locations, sort of a three card monte with living patients and suddenly he ran out of space.

The revised list shows that 22 nursing homes, largely in New York City and Long Island, have reported at least 40 deaths.
Parker Jewish Institute in Queens and Isabella Geriatric Center – one of New York City’s largest nursing homes with 705 beds – have reported the highest number of deaths: 71 and 64, respectively.

And how about the Sunshine State? There were only four institutions with deaths in the double digits and the high number was 14 (Yes, fourteen).  After that is single digits and I reckon 70% of the remaining facilities with 2 or less deaths.  And that is not all the nursing homes in Florida, just the ones with one or more death reported. The second link has the list of all homes and do check the amount of those with zero deaths, it is simply inspiring. The top two nursing homes in NY had the equivalent deaths of the top 14 in the State of Florida. That is right down scary.

To this day, I have yet to see any if our local rags say an unkind word against Governor Cuomo or Mayor de Blasio. There may have been some, but they are probably drowned in the tsunami of fake news and hit pieces against our Governor. I guess they want us to be so much like New York City, they would not mind having more old people die as long as they can get regular Broadway-like shows and Fine Art Museums with intelligent conversation.

And to this day, I have yet to see all these “I Heart NY” “journalists” cover the nursing homes up in their Gotham Mecca or any other pandemic blunder for that matter.

I have to paraphrase an old sticker I saw when I moved here: You don’t like Miami? Take I-95 North and GTFO.

We like to keep our elderly alive.




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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Nursing Homes deaths. Miami v.. New York”
  1. Just yesterday, I saw lefty associates on FB fawning over his ‘leadership’ and how he should be President because Orange Man Bad. They’ll ignore this too.

  2. It’s possible the new numbers from NY are accurate. Then again, maybe not. From the description, it appears they are guesses — cases where the cause of death is not known but it was decided after the fact to blame it on CCP Virus. Whether that attribution is accurate for some or all of the cases is not really clear.

  3. One terrible but undeniable fact is that for people in nursing homes, the next stop is the graveyard. My father passed away a year and a half ago in an assisted living facility, he was 94 and under hospice care. He was there because I couldn’t physically take care of him and he wasn’t competent to take care of himself. I’m still devastated by his death, but it wasn’t unexpected, and it was time. Nursing homes and assisted living facilities are an ideal breeding ground for the Wuhan virus with people in the vulnerable age group and with health problems making them even more vulnerable in close proximity. Not to be crass about it (far from it) but ruining the economy and destroying our freedom in order to protect nursing home residents is the last thing most of them would want. On the other hand, sending nursing home residents that are COVID positive back to the nursing homes with a body bag harks back to the NAZI approach to a “life not worth living.”

  4. If there is even a .5% chance that former FL governor candidate Andrew Gillium can make a political recovery in any sense, then the earth is truly due for the Sweet Meteor of Death.

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