Mayor Bill de Blasio is Jew-hater.  That has been evident for a long time to anybody who knew his past.  He was a supporter of the Sandinistas and he knew about their vicious anti-Semitism.  He ignored attacks on Jews in New York City, despite numerous reports, and deflecting by blaming Trump even though the assailants were almost universally black and Hispanic young men, not white supremacists.

This time around, his anti-Semitism has gone from the passive to the active.  The Coronavirus being his excuse make NYC practicing Jew Judenfrei,

NYC Mayor to synagogues: Close for coronavirus or be shut down permanently

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio warned the Jewish community that synagogues that continue to defy coronavirus regulations and hold services will be permanently shut down.

While the majority of synagogues have closed in accordance with city orders aimed at slowing the spread of coronavirus by limiting social gathering, others have stayed open.

Some synagogues, however, are still holding minyanim, gatherings of 10 worshipers or more, to hold prayer services.

This has been tough for the Jewish community.  Certain prayers in Judaism require a quorum of ten adult Jews called a minyan, traditionally a minyan is all men, but less orthodox secs allow women to be counted in a minyan.  This is the real significance of the Bar Mitzvah.  Once a Jewish child has been Bar or Bat Mitzvahed, they are allowed to be counted in a minyan.

In order to read from the Torah, you have to say a prayer called the Barechu, which requires a minyan.  So does the mourners Kaddish and the Amidah.

Without a minyan, Jews, especially Orthodox Jews, cannot say daily prayers, pray for the dead, or read out of the Torah.

There was a great TV show back in the day that I loved called Northern Exposure.  One of the main characters was a young Jewish doctor from New York who was contractually obligated to run a medical clinic in a small town in Alaska to repay the state of Alaska for paying for his medical school.  The frame of the show was this doctor’s fish out of water experience in rural Alaska.  In one episode, someone close to him dies and he has to find ten Jews in Alaska to have a minyan to say the Kaddish, and the local Alaskan Jews were very different than the New York Jews he was used to.

A minyan is very important.

Reform Judaism has allowed a temporary virtual minyan to be done during the Coronacrisis using group telecommuting software like Zoom.  Our Synagogue has been doing live virtual Shabbat services on Friday nights.

This cannot be done for the Orthodox who cannot even use electricity during the sabbath.

“I want to say to all those who are preparing for the potential of religious services this weekend: If you go to your synagogue, if you go to your church, and attempt to hold services after having been told so often not to, our enforcement agents will have no choice but to shut down those services,” he warned, however admitting that he does not “say this with joy.”

The mayor called on religious citizens, asking that anyone who witnesses services taking place to report to the congregation’s officials and request them to stop services. Should that not be enough, the authorities may “need to take additional action up to the point of fines and potentially closing the building permanently.”

That’s right.  Mayor de Blasio wants New Yorkers to rat out the city’s Jews, when ten of them get together to pray, so he can shut them down permanently.  Permanently.

Ten Jews have a minyan in New York and de Blasio will shutter a Synagogue for good.

Tell me again that it’s Trump who is an anti-Semite and the Democrats are the party that supports the Jews.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “NYC Fuhrer De Blaso threatens NYC Synagogues”
  1. Such an easy fix: More than 10. Having dealt with some very orthodox jews (and some not so orthodox) I’ve learned that many are very very good at finding a way to follow the rules and still do exactly what they want.

    My favorite is when the rabbi walked in to teach the conversion class. He as eating what looked to be a ham sandwich. My wife of the time asked “Is that a ham sandwich?” To which the rabbi replied “Is it? I ordered a turkey sandwich.”

    To this day I don’t know if it was ham or not. But I’m sure as heck that the rabbi ordered a turkey sandwich.

    If the rules prohibited MORE than 10 people from gathering, I’m sure that exactly 10 people would show up at a time for those prayers. They might run them in sequence but they would follow both their religious rules and the rules of the state.

    To not either grant an exception OR to modify the rule by ONE person to allow the minyan would be easy and compassionate.

    Having seen the size of some of the churches in NYC, it would not surprise me to find that you could have 100 people in a synagogue and never have one family group closer than 10 feet to another family group.

    1. And that is what some synagogues have done in Israel. They are running minyans of 10 at a time, doing only core prayers, in sequence around the clock. You have a scheduled time to go in an do your thing.

      That de Blasio won’t even allow that is obscene.

  2. So now in NYC, murderers are given traffic tickets, but religious Jews are threatened with jail and with the prohibition of their worship? It’s time for the DoJ to charge DeBlasio with felony violation of citizens’ constitutional rights.

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