By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “NYC: It has to be Liberal Schizophrenia”
  1. What is with New York’s hard on for their subways? It’s like they can’t go 6 months without making huge mention of it or they’ll die (of Corona!)

    Yes, NY, you have underground speed holes. you’re not the only ones who do.

  2. Whether it makes sense no longer matters. At all.

    It’s simply to be seen doing something showing who’s in control. No other purpose makes sense as far as I can figure.

  3. This isn’t any different from the LA rule that you can’t eat outdoors in a restaurant, but you can have a large scale outdoor catering setup if you’re a movie company.
    The WSJ has an op-ed today (by the as usual semi-coherent Holman Jenkins) in which he praises (!!??) MA governor Charlie Baker for his COVID theater — actions that make little scientific sense but serve to create a smoke screen that placates the masses. And as we’ve discussed before, there has been a lot of that, random exercises of raw power with no connection to science or fact, nor concern for the lives of normal people.

  4. “I do believe they are making up as they go without any concern if it makes sense because they really are past caring.”

    No doubt about it. Not only Mayors/Governors, but the “medical experts” that are advising them. The chief medical officer for the city has said masks and distancing work. Yet, “cases” are surging despite the ever increasing restrictions on movement and businesses.

    Frankly, this is more than just not caring. At this point, elected officials have been telling us how horrific this virus is for so long, if they were to walk that back and reduce the restrictions, it would be equivalent to an admission they were wrong.

    Also, no matter what they do, half the voters will blame them for any adverse impacts. Continue the restrictions, and the business owners (and their staff) will hate them. If they drop the restrictions, any new positive test results will be their fault.

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